chapter seven

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Sat in a little circle in their land of pillows and soft blankets, Jisung and his friends were enjoying their pizzas. Felix and Jisung were indulging on a plain cheese pizza, whereas Seungmin and Jeongin were munching on a vegetable pizza.

Jisung took a massive bite of his pizza slice, with his cheeks looking exactly like a squirrel. "It's official." He gulped some of the food down before adding "This pizza: best in the world." Jisung gestured to the pizza before taking another bite.

"Uh, uh, uh. I object. This vegetable pizza is phenomenal." Seungmin placed his finger up in objection and chewed on many of the vegetables that coated the cheesey meal, such as eggplants, mushrooms, peppers and some onions. Jisung giggled, even though his mouth was full at the sight of his friend saying "I object". It gave the sense that they were in a courtroom. 

Felix swiftly took a slice of vegetable pizza from the second box and sat back in place on a doughnut pillow. "Eh, sorry, hyung, Min doesn't lie. These veggies are great."

Jisung opened his eyes wide and put his hand on his chest as if he had taken offence at the blonde's statement. Wow, Lixie. I-I thought we were on the same team and instead, you betrayed me and chose the eggplants and peppers over me. Pure favouritism this is. Jisung pouted and clutched a pillow by his side. He loved being sarcastic and making jokes like this.

"Sorry, it's for the eggplants." Felix responded with a cheeky grin on his face and a slight shrug of his shoulders. That evoked many scoffs and giggles from the others.

Jisung rolled his eyes and bit into his slice again. "Ya know what, Lixie. In the future, I hope whoever you get with, they have an intense hatred for eggplants. I will not be betrayed by some savage, overrated vegetable. I love my bestie too much."  Jisung stood up like he was giving a speech of inspiration to many people. Felix put his hand on his heart and blew a kiss as a joke.

Sleepovers between the four boys were frequent and essentially the norm. They were just as common as to expect in the week like a bit of rain during the day. All of their families were in such close proximity so there were never any conflicts or arguments. So, always, when one of the boys asked out of the blue for a sleepover, the answer was always the same 'yes'. There was never a reason for judginess. 

Jisung opened his eyes a bit wider as he felt something on his arm and he turned to his right to see Jeongin cuddling next to him, looking down at his hands that were cupped around the older's arms. He was frowning and let out a small noise as he nuzzled even closer into Jisung's arm. It was pretty evident that the matter was preventing the younger from engaging in the fun with the others. Out of the two boys, when it came to stressful matters, they had more of a panicky and anxious side effect on Jisung, however, the younger was the more sensitive one. Even though this action was discrete, the emotions of worry and feeling conflicted were more than visible to Jisung and he didn't want to let this thought continue to take its toll on Jeongin. He pulled his friend closer towards him, in an act of comfort and reassurance. 

"Guys, me and Innie have something to tell you." The sentence caused the two boys to look at Jisung while they were getting out a microphone, all set for karaoke. Their expressions when they nodded at Jisung's statement were at first, casual and relaxed faces. But when they noticed the youngest's seemingly low and preoccupied state and how he was clutching onto their friend, their faces changed to concerned and caring.

First, Seungmin sat down on the carpet and Felix followed, sitting cross legged. "Yeah. What is it?" The blonde asked in a gentle voice before brushing back some of the long streaks of his hair.

Both boys explained their stories. And they made sure not to miss a single detail when recalling the memories. they both felt that this was more of a moment to indulge on the event, rather than to just simply recall it. For Jeongin, it seemed like a moment to definitely reminisce on. Because he would get the chance to reminisce about how Chan's soft fingers caressed his hands while they were stained with ink. Just the thought that he made contact with his skin just sent so many bolts of energy through him. But, in some shape or form, Jisung did feel a sense of nostalgia from recalling his experience with Minho. Even though he was crying, he still looked insanely beautiful. And it was also an opportunity that proved that the boy actually had a heart. It ignited this internal feeling - something which Jisung interpreted as enchantment

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