The Divine Feminine

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March 2, 2024

Around the time of my initiation to transcendental mysteries, I remember praying to Hecate and inviting her to assist me in awakening the divine feminine, and this is kind of fusing the powers of witchcraft and spirituality. 'Cause when you pray to a goddess like Hecate, it looks more like summoning, and in other practices, they have yet to accept that a prayer is a prayer, it doesn't matter if the one praying is a pagan, a Buddhist, or a witch. Praying to Hecate is a witch's prayer.

I find that awakening the divine feminine is at the core of the ascension process for women, and conversely, for men, it is the awakening of the divine masculine. But I see how it makes sense that the divine feminine has to awaken first before the divine masculine. 'Cause years ago, I was really obsessed with the twin flame thing, and I read about that. The one who posted it on Quora was like: The purpose of the divine masculine is to ground the divine feminine, and that makes him the matrix twin, and the divine feminine has to awaken or go through the ascension process in order to assist the divine masculine in his awakening process. I am no longer obsessed with the twin flame ascension thing because like they say when the divine feminine awakens, that's when she stops experiencing the - I won't call them negative or bad, I'd say challenging or difficult. 'Cause I think that lasted for like a year. I had to get two molars extracted and be in this what they call woo-woo space, and just feeling weird. But I already got separated with my twin flame, and that is something that you just know as the twin with the awakened divine feminine. It's like to say the hardest part is over, and because the divine feminine was already awakened and the twin is on the way to getting reborn. But my twin did a great job of anchoring and assisting me - but he couldn't not do a great job.

Why is it important to awaken the divine feminine for a woman during the ascension process? It's not just important, it's a part, it's an indispensable process. The woman won't remember the sacred plan and mission, she wouldn't realize the work of the divine feminine without awakening it. When the work isn't realized, then the work isn't done.

Awakening the divine feminine could get really uncomfortable. It's gonna require the woman to purge out outdated and just limiting beliefs about being a woman that she picked up, and that's gonna take a lot of courage and strength to pull away from the establishment or the old structures, from the errors that people, the community has taken onboard and has become 'the norm'. It's gonna require a lot of deviation. But what makes that easy is the clarity that comes with the awakening, 'cause when you see the glaring error, that just brings down the pull to a zero.

When people are attached to norms, they get this fear of the paranormal, the abnormal, and all sorts of not normal. And people don't realize this fear that they have of not being normal, but it is with this very fear that they become predisposed to manipulation and control. 'Cause then they only gotta be presented a scenario where they become misfits or outcasts or weirdos and they'll just be like: I'd do anything to be normal. I will do anything to fit in and be classified normal. But the problem is what if 'normal' is actually the state of being conditioned to see an error as not an error? What if 'normal' is persisting in a way that is not right and therefore resulting in dysfunction instead of something that works?

'Cause deviation is not always rebelion. I try and put an emphasis on not confusing doing something different with rebelion. Why? 'Cause I am also trying to assist people in finding their way out of war. And rebelion is a thing of war. It is where people are caught in some power struggle. And power struggles are a joke. But you gotta have the clarity to see that. I want people to shift their perspective and see doing something different as being a troubleshooter, being inventive, to see that as an agent of progress or moving forward to a new and better age (without the good traditions being removed of course, but that's for a different page.) 'Cause there are people who just can't get out of that stagnation of thinking that if you want change and progress, you got to rebel or fight or be caught in the power struggle. And it's a joke. If you want change and progress, you just do something different. Deviate from the error you see. You just stop participating in the nonsense. Be not normal. Be eccentric. Heal yourself from your fear of the word. You're afraid of the word 'abnormal'. You're afraid of the word 'weirdo'. Eliminate that fear. Why? 'Cause you're gonna be an agent of stagnation. You're gonna do to others what's been done to you, you're gonna give them fear of the word. You're gonna make others fear change and progress, fear making change and progress. 'Cause that's what this fear does.

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