Divine Alignment

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April 1, 2024

'Opportunist' is a fun word. It also carries with it that negative denotation and connotation. But we examine the word and we get 'opportunity' and well, 'ist' is kind of like how it works for 'philanthropist' and 'scientist' and hey, maybe 'analyst' but yeah, with the y - just to tell us that it's a person. 'Go-getter' doesn't get as much of a bad rap, 'risk-taker' and 'chance-taker' too. But all these words with their meanings, you will also find 'opportunity'.

We get opportunity, and we also get risk and chance, but we don't really hear people say: Be an opportunist. And yet it's the most blatant one talking about opportunity. Being an opportunity-grabber which is really just being a risk-taker and chance-taker. It's all about taking an opportunity when it appears. They even say 'strike while the iron is hot', and they like it too.

Personally, I am not much of a fan but that's because I believe in divine timing and I also believe in alignment. Different windows open up and where one sees 'opportunity', another doesn't, and we have people saying 'there's a lot of opportunities for him but he's not taking them' but I think it's to do with alignment and divine timing more than just what people perceive as deliberate missing of an opportunity.

I find this to be the reason why people despite 'not missing an opportunity', 'grabbing the opportunity' don't get fulfillment or joy from what they're doing - it's because it's not really a good opportunity for them, it is for another person but not for them, and because it's not aligned with their personal visions and desires. There's no avenue for them to manifest that vision where they are. And so rather than what the person sees as incompetence or something that practice could make better, it is really just a mismatch, and because of this mismatch, the person is not putting their 'meraki' in it. According to the Light Seer's tarot, 'meraki' is the heart and soul that goes into the work or the thing.

We have people saying: He's at his best when he's communicating. He's in his element. And I think that's the meraki manifesting itself effortlessly.

But that requires alignment, and alignment requires authenticity, and authenticity requires desire - being in touch with your personal desires.

People are like: I don't know what I want. Actually, you do. But you need to unearth it. I know I felt that I didn't know what I want, but that's because there's all this competing things, I have all these fondness for a lot of different things. But eventually, I was able to see through the confusion and found that my personal desire is in the realm of communication, I am passionate about ideas and perspectives, exploring concepts, that part of communication. That's where I feel aligned - generating and exploring. But I suppose it's alright if somebody generated and then I explored. But it's not just any sort of concept, I was able to further narrow it down and I found that I love exploring concepts about community, freedom, authenticity and the role of spirituality in that.

Personally, I have been greatly misaligned. I have grabbed all these opportunities and I got hired on the basis that well, I have the skills and I have this willingness to learn new things and new skills required but none of those opportunities that I grabbed involved generating and exploring concepts and certainly nothing to do with community, freedom, authenticity or spirituality. I was in sales and well, I suppose there's communications in telecommunications but it was for phone lines that don't work. But I got something out that misalignment other than money and something that I do that people call a job and that is behavioral problems, with all these people and the workplace drama, and just a general sense of being in the wrong line of work, there not being fun or growth, and then thinking that there's not really opportunity opening up for me where I could actually say: That looks fun, that looks like I could grow old doing that.

But that was when I was misaligned. I don't see opportunities for me. But when I got that alignment, it's all around me. I found the things I could do that is fun and that I could grow old doing. It's my thing. This gives me joy and fulfillment. And the timing is just divine. The fact that I don't get to monetize despite having experienced getting paid for writing in the past is not a problem to me. I don't feel like I am in the wrong line of work. It's just a match. The first good match. Anyway, I think that's how you know that you're in alignment. You feel like you could grow old with it. And you don't see decay but growth. You're in love with it. And it feels right. It's the one. 

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