Chapter 24

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Pov maerya Targaryen
After days of fruitless searching, Maerya found herself empty-handed. Despite her best efforts, she had failed to locate Daenerys or Drogon. With a heavy heart and a weary soul, she made the decision to return to Meereen, the realization of her failed endeavor weighing heavily upon her shoulders.

Tyrion observed Maerya's expression, watching as she confirmed her unsuccessful efforts. "Did you find her?" he inquired, his tone laced with anticipation "I did not" Maerya replied, her voice laced with frustration, "It's as if she just disappeared off the face of the earth"

Missandei spoke urgently, desperation tinging her voice. "We have to find her" she urged, her eyes pleading for action.Tyrion, ever the strategist, turned his gaze to Maerya and posed a suggestion. "Until then, someone else will need to rule in her place" Maerya, her mind still focused on the immediate task at hand, replied determinedly, "Let's just find her first before we address that"

"The ships have been burned"  As Tyrion's words washed over her, Maerya turned her attention towards him, her expression turning from determination to surprise "The ships have burned?" Maerya repeated, her brow furrowing in confusion, "How?" Tyrion's response left Maerya more perplexed than before. "The Sons of the Harpy, might've burned them," he explained, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Undeterred by the setback, Maerya remained resolute. "We need to find Daenerys," she declared, her determination undampened by the burning of the ships. With purpose in her step, she turned and walked away, her thoughts set on locating her missing queen.

As Maerya stumbled upon Daario and Sir Jorah in their search for Daenerys, she approached them with eagerness in her voice. "Have you found her?" she asked, hope lacing her words. Daario spoke with conviction, divulging the information they had gathered. "We know where she is. She is in this place where the Dothraki widows life," he explained.
Maerya, her mind racing with possibilities, suggested, "We could burn it" Jorah, however, firmly shut down the idea. "We are not burning it" he stated with authority.

As Daario proposed their course of action, Maerya listened intently. "What then?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued "We go at night and try to talk with Daenerys," Daario responded, his voice steady. "We can devise a plan with her" Maerya nodded in agreement, sensing the validity in Daario's suggestion.

As the night fully enveloped them, they quietly made their way through the dark alleyways, their footsteps soundless on the cobblestones. They eventually halted in front of a tent, peering inconspicuously from the shadows.

Daario's jest about being born Dothraki broke the tension, drawing a chuckle from Maerya. "I should have been born Dothraki," he quipped, attempting to lighten the mood. Maerya's thoughts soon returned to their mission. "Where is Daenerys?" she inquired, her voice tinged with impatience. Jorah, still focused on the task at hand, responded simply, "Follow us" They treaded softly through the darkened terrain, their progress slow and deliberate. The silence of the night surrounded them, making the journey seem even longer than it actually was.As they continued their trek, the only sound that filled the air were the soft thud of their footsteps and the occasional rustle of leaves underfoot.

As they walked, Maerya's doubts began to resurface. "I'm not sure if you know where she is," she voiced her concerns, a hint of skepticism in her tone. Daario, displaying his usual confidence, countered her doubt. "We just need to ask someone," he replied, as if it was the simplest solution.

Maerya suddenly had an idea. With a determined expression, she declared, "I am gonna do something else," before quickly walking away from Daario and Sir Jorah.
She approached a Dothraki man, her steps purposeful yet wary.

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