Chapter 31

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Pov maerya Targaryen
Jon, Daenerys, and Maerya emerged from the cave, their appearance somewhat disheveled and marked with dirt. Tyrion and Varys stood waiting for them outside, their expressions expectant. Daenerys' gaze shifted to Tyrion, a mix of surprise and curiosity in her eyes. "What is it?" she inquired. Tyrion answered, a glimmer of victory in his tone. "We took Casterly Rock," he said. "It's a good start"Maerya's response was nonchalant, a contrast to the excitement in Tyrion's report. "Great," she remarked dryly.

The mood shifted as they stared down at the sand, their faces growing somber. "That's very good to hear," Daenerys echoed, her voice tinged with a touch of melancholy "Isn't it?" she inquired, her words holding a hint of irony.
Tyrion's announcement dropped like a bombshell, the impact of his revelation immediate and devastating. "They killed Olenna Tyrell," he stated quietly, the words laden with a grim certainty. Maerya's eyes widened in shock, her voice catching in her throat. "They...what?" she managed to blurt out, disbelief etched across her face.

Tyrion repeated the news, his voice a stark contrast to the horrified silence that had fallen upon the group. "They killed her," he stated once more.

Maerya's sharp reply cut through the tension, her voice laced with anger and sorrow. "I heard you the first time," she retorted before walking away, struggling to process the devastating news.

Daenerys approached Maerya, her face lacking her usual pleasant expression. Her voice was solemn when she spoke, "He told me what happened," she said, a trace of irritation evident in her tone.Maerya turned to face her, her eyes red and weary, the news of Lady Olenna's death weighing heavily upon her.
Maerya's words escaped her lips like a venomous hiss, her voice laced with a primal rage that echoed in the air. "I will kill them all," she vowed, her eyes burning with a fire fueled by pain and fury.

Ser Davos interjected, his voice steady. "You'll want to discuss among yourselves, perhaps," he said. Daenerys shook her head, a storm of emotions flickering across her face. "You will stay ,All my Allies are gone" she declared, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and helplessness. "They've been taken from me while I've been sitting here on this island"

Tyrion attempted to chime in, trying to find a silver lining in the dire situation. "But you still have the largest armies," he pointed out.
His words were cut off by Daenerys, who firmly retorted, "Who won't be able to eat because Cersei had taken all the food from the Reach." Frustration and annoyance were evident in her voice.

Tyrion spoke with urgency, outlining his proposed plan of action. "Call Greyworm and the Unsullied back," he instructed. "We still have enough ships to carry the Dothraki to the mainland. Commit to the blockade of Kings Landing. We have a plan. It's still the right plan," he reiterated, his voice firm with determination.

Daenerys swiveled to confront Tyrion, her voice sharp and filled with irritation. "The right plan?" she echoed, her tone carrying a hint of mocking. "Your strategy has lost us Dorne, the Iron Islands, and the Reach," she accused.
She paused, her eyes narrowing as she continued, "I should have stuck with Maerya's plan and burned Cersei to the ground," she declared, her anger and frustration evident.

Tyrion tried to defend his position, acknowledging his own miscalculations. "If I've underestimated our enemies..." he began, but Daenerys cut him off with a sharp retort "Our enemies?" she repeated, her voice dripping with disbelief. "You mean your family," she challenged. "Perhaps you don't want to hurt them after all," she concluded, her gaze fixed on Tyrion, questioning his loyalties.

Daenerys' gaze drifted to the sky, her eyes watching the dragons as they soared through the air, their magnificent forms creating a spectacle against the backdrop of the blue sky.
Beside her, Maerya couldn't help but smile as she observed Drogon and Nyrax playing together. The sight seemed to bring her a glimmer of joy amidst the heavy atmosphere.

Daenerys spoke firmly, her voice filled with determination. "Enough with the clever plans," she declared. "I have 3 large dragons, and Maerya's dragons. I'm going to fly them to the Red Keep" Maerya's response was quick and supportive. "Good plan," she said with a nod, her eyes filled with determination mirroring Daenerys' own.

Tyrion tried to interject, attempting to dissuade Daenerys from her determined course of action. "We've discussed this," he protested.
However, Daenerys was resolute and cut him off firmly. "My enemies are in the Red Keep," she declared. "What kind of queen am I if I'm not willing to risk my life to fight them?" she asked passionately, her determination clear in her voice and gaze.

Tyrion attempted to argue the merits of caution, his voice carrying a hint of reason. "A smart one," he replied simply, Daenerys turned her gaze to Jon Snow, seeking his input and weighing her options. "What do you think I should do?" she asked, her voice laced with a mix of uncertainty and curiosity.
"Should I follow Tyrion's plan, or follow Maerya's plan?" she inquired, her eyes searching his, waiting for his response. "What would you do? What's your plan?" she repeated, her tone tinged with a hint of urgency,

Jon's response was measured, his voice tinged with a hint of humility. "I would never presume to..." he began, but Daenerys cut him off, her expression stern yet tinged with vulnerability.
"I'm at war, and I'm losing," she stated bluntly, cutting straight to the heart of the matter. "What should I do?" she asked, her gaze pleading for his insight, for

Jon spoke with a hint of wonder in his voice, his words carrying a sense of awe. "I never thought that dragons would exist again," he admitted. "No one did. The people who follow you know that you made something impossible happen" His gaze shifted to Maerya as he continued, a note of admiration in his voice. "Both of you, by the way," he added, his eyes flicking back and forth between Daenerys and Maerya.

Jon's words were poignant, his voice filled with conviction. "Maybe that helps them believe you can make other impossible things happen, build a world that's different from the shit one they've always known," he said, a tinge of hope lacing his words. Then his tone shifted, growing more stern. "But if you use them to melt castles and burn cities, you're not different, you're just more of the same," he concluded firmly.

Maerya spoke firmly, a challenge in her eyes. "What do you want her to do? Go to King's Landing and show off the dragons and you think they'll bow?"

Jon responded with a measured tone, his words carrying weight. "No," he replied. "I meant that she would show the people that she's different" Maerya's frustration and sorrow are evident in her expression as she walks away, her mind undoubtedly filled with thoughts of Lady Olenna and the tragic loss they hadrecently endured. The weight of grief hangs heavily upon her shoulders as she seeks solace in the quiet of solitude.

Maerya found herself on her favorite spot in Dragonstone, the beach, a place where fond memories came flooding back. It was here that her brother Luke would sit and chatter about the most inane topics, but those moments were cherished ones nonetheless.

As Maerya sat alone on the beach, the weight of her losses settled heavily upon her. The absence of those she held dear seemed even more profound in the silence of the moment. Those she had loved, those who had once filled her heart with joy and laughter, were now gone, one by one slipping through her grasp like grains of sand.

Despite the weight of her losses, Maerya was determined to protect the two women who remained by her side: Daenerys and Missandei. The thought of losing them too was unbearable, and she fiercely believed that their presence helped ground her, preventing her from slipping into madness once again.

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