Chapter 29

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Pov maerya Targaryen
Daenerys entered Maerya's chamber, her face bearing a warm smile. "We have a visitor," announced Daenerys. "One who I think you might like." Maerya's curiosity peaked, her eyes looking at her friend questioningly. "Who?" she inquired, her mind racing with possibilities.

Maerya stepped into the room, her heart lifting at the sight of the unexpected visitor. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Olenna, a familiar and dear figure standing before her. "Olenna," she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of joy and disbelief. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she moved closer to greet her.

Maerya hurried towards Olenna, her arms outstretched in a gesture of affection. "Olenna Tyrell!" she exclaimed as she flung herself into a warm embrace. "How have you been, ollie?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern. Olenna responded with a hint of weariness in her tone, "I have been better," she admitted, her expression reflecting the toll of recent events.

"Margaery is queen now, married to Tommen," Maerya mentioned, expressing her knowledge of the situation. "Surely better than Joffrey," she added with a touch of optimism.
Olenena's demeanor shifted, and she looked down at the ground, her voice taking on a somber tone. "Maerya," she said, "you might want to sit down." Worry crept into Maerya's eyes as she sensed the seriousness in Olenna's voice.

Maerya sank into the chair, her heart heavy with concern as she braced herself for what was to come. "What's wrong?" She inquired with dread, her eyes fixed on Olenna's face. As the older woman's voice faltered and cracked, Maerya felt a pang of fear in her chest. "Margaery, something happened to her," Olenna managed to say, her words hanging in the air heavy with sorrow.

"Cersei killed her, didn't she?" Maerya spoke out, her voice filled with anger and sorrow. She felt the tears welling up in her eyes as the realization sank in. Olenna affirmed her words with a heavy sadness of her own, "She did."

Maerya walked swiftly toward the Dragonstone mount, her mind filled with anguish and anger. She was intent on reaching her dragon, Nyrax, when a familiar voice called out behind her.
"Maerya, wait!" Daenerys cried out, her voice filled with urgency and concern. Maerya halted in her tracks, turning to face her friend with tormented eyes. "Don't go to King's Landing," Daenerys implored, her voice tinged with desperation. "I need you here," she pleaded.
Maerya turned to face her friend, tears welling in her eyes. "Cersei must pay," she replied venomously, her voice trembling with anger and grief.

Daenerys reached out and grasped Maerya's hands with a gentle yet firm grip. Her voice was filled with a mix of pleading and determination "We will make her pay," she assured Maerya, her words infused with a resolve. "But I need you now" The touch of Daenerys's hands was like a lifeline, grounding Maerya's turbulent emotions momentarily. Her gaze met Daenerys's, her tears threatening to spill over.

Maerya's voice trembled as she chided herself, her words laced with regret and guilt. "I should have never left King's Landing," she whispered to herself. "I should have stayed by Margaery's side," she repeated, her voice filled with remorse "It's all my fault," she whimpered, her eyes filling with tears as her own guilt crushed down upon her.

Daenerys's voice was gentle yet firm as she spoke, cutting through Maerya's self-blame. "It is not your fault, Maerya," she reassured her. "You cannot blame yourself for the actions of Cersei" With a touch of urgency, Daenerys extended her hand. "Now come with me," she said. "I need you"

Maerya's gaze lingered on Nyrax, then shifted to Daegox. The dragons growled with a mix of concern and protectiveness, their eyes fixed on their beloved rider.  She let out a heavy sigh, her heart torn between her desire for revenge and her loyalty to Daenerys. After a moment of internal struggle,Maerya's voiced carried a hint of resignation, but her determination burned beneath the surface "Fine," she relented, wiping away the tears that streamed down her cheeks.

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