Chapter 2

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 Ashley's POV

The next morning I woke up around 7am, since I went to bed early the night before. Tiredly, I glanced around the room to see the same bland room as usual. Seriously, I want to do something creative with my room but since I travel with Dad a lot, I never have much time. Somehow I managed to drag myself out of bed, and made my way to the kitchen. When I entered, I saw Dad sitting at the dining table, drinking coffee and looking up a new case.

''Morning Dad.'' I smiled, as I went to make myself a coffee.

''Morning darling.'' He didn't look up from his case file, he was to into it. By the looks of things we are going to be traveling somewhere.

''Where are we of to this time?'' I tried to sound excited but he knew I wasn't, I walked over to sit at the other side of the dining table, when I noticed that my Dad hd a strange look on his face. ''What?''

''This time I'm going on my own, I don't know how long this case will take, it could be months-'' He started to explain to me.

''You're going to leave me alone for months?'' I asked, slightly worried that he actually was. I wouldn't be able to look after myself, I was hoping he was joking but by the look on his face, he clearly wasn't.

''No.'' He said quickly, as if he didn't want me to hear.

''So what are you doing with me?'' I asked, now feeling confused.

''You're going to stay with your Mum and brother.'' He told me, but he didn't look me in the eye because he knew exactly what my reaction would be. I didn't say anything for a while, but then I practically exploded.

''Are you serious?'' I jumped out of my seat, causing my Dad to roll his eyes because he knew this was coming. ''I haven't seen them in six years and if I'm been completly honest, I don't want to see them! I swear you and Mum don't even keep in contact'' I shook my head in disbelif, I then noticed that my Dad was looking down, he wouldn't look at me. ''You have kept in contact with her haven't you?'' My voice softened.

''Only so we could keep tabs on you and Scott, also just incase something like this did happen.'' Dad explained, finally looking up at me.

''I'm not staying with them.'' I shook my head at him.

''You are, don't argue about it. I'm taking you at 10 so you better go get ready and pack because you could be there a while.'' Dad then looked down again and started reading his case file. I decided not to argue with him because I didn't want to make things worse, so I stormed back to my room forgetting my coffee but since I was to stubborn, I didn't want to go back and get it. Looks like I'm going back to Beacon Hills, what fun.

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