Chapter 3

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Ashley's POV

So I was all packed up, and ready to leave for Beacon Hills, but I'm really not looking forward to it. When I got in the car, my dad kept trying to make conversation with me but I just ignored him, he knew I was pissed with him. To annoy him more, I put my head phones in so I couldn't hear anything he was saying, he hates it when I do that, that's why I do it. I just stared out of the window, watching the trees fly by and after a couple of minutes I drifted of to sleep.

After nearly two hours, my dad woke me. I looked around to see we were parked outside of a house. My old house. I sighed at the sight and pulled my headphones out. Dad had already climbed out of the car to get out my suitcase and bags, I had brought a lot of stuff with me since I didn't know how long I was going to be here for.

''Ashley! Come and get the rest of your bags.'' Dad shouted from the boot, I rolled my eyes at him even though he couldn't see me doing it.

When I went to the boot, I grabbed the last two of my bags and closed the boot. Dad was walking up the steps to the house, causing me to sigh. Again. Slowly I followed him up, taking one step at a time. Usually I miss two or three out but that means I would be at the door quicker. I might just faint to try and get out of this, but that would be to dramatic and dad would know I was lying. There literally isn't anyway to get out of this. Dad knocked on the door just as I reached his side, he looked down at me and gave me a small smile before kissing the top of my head. The door then opened, and there stood my mum. In her uniform. Typical. Alls that both of them cared about is work, that's probably one of the reasons they seperated.

''Ashley, hi!'' She squealed and pulled me in for a hug, which I didn't return or reply. Mum then looked over at dad. ''Hello.'' She awkwardly smiled, they hadn't seen each other in years and you could practically see the awkwardness flying around the air.

''Melissa.'' He nodded. I don't understand why boys nod when they greet someone, it just makes them look like complete and utter tools. But my dad is a tool, so I guess that makes sense.

''Let me take your bags and show you to your room.'' Mum smiled taking both my bags from me.

''Well I need to be off,'' Dad handed me my other bags and pulled me in for a hug.

''I'll see you soon kiddo.''

''You mean in a couple of months, that's not really soon.'' I pulled away.

''Be good,'' Dad ignored my comment. ''I love you, bye.''

''Bye.'' I waved. I entered the house, before closing the door and followed my mum upstairs to my old room. When I entered the room, I realised that she hadn't redecorated it.

''Why haven't you redecorated?'' I asked her, dumping my bags onto the floor.

''Because I wanted you to redecorate it when you came back.'' She smiled.

''Wow, you actually were expecting me to come back.'' I laughed.

''Ashley, I'm sorry I haven't called or visited, I just haven't had the time with work-'' She started to say.

''Work, what a surprise. That's alls you and dad both care about.'' I snapped at her, throwing her back slightly. ''Let me guess, your going there now.''

''I'm sorry,'' She sighed. ''I'll be back around 7, you, Scott and I can go out for tea when I get back.''

''Great,'' I rolled my eyes, not looking forward to it. ''Where is Scott?'' I asked.

''At school,'' She told me. ''Which is where you're going to be starting Monday.''

''Seriously? Why can't I just carry on being home schooled?'' I asked.

''Because I don't want you in the house on your own most of the time.'' She told me.

''Fine, I guess it is better than being stuck here.'' I sighed.

''Okay, I'm going to work now. Scott should be home in an hour, so just start unpacking or whatever,'' Mum told me. ''I'll see you later.''

''Bye.'' I then fell back onto my bed.

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