Chapter 4

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Ashley's POV

It was pitch black. I couldn't see anything. There were foot steps walking towards me but they didn't sound heavy enough to be human. I heard a growling noise, all of a sudden some kind of light came on and I was in the middle of the forest, but no one was around. That's when I heard the foot steps again, so I started to run extremely fast. When I looked back no one was there but what do people say? Never look back. So that's when I fell flat on my face in a huge pile of leaves. Although I hurt my arm in the process, I rolled over to get up. But when I rolled over there was some kind of wolf standing infront of me, growling. My eyes widened in fear, it's teeth were out since it was growling and they were sharp. Very sharp. All I did was scream, louder than I have ever screamed before.

That's when I woke up, in my new room but old room at my Mum's house. My palms where sweating and I realized I was breathing deeply, as if I had actually been running. The bedroom door then swung open and in came some guy. It was Scott. Wow, he's changed. A lot.

''Is everything okay? I heard you screaming?'' He asked.

''Yeah, I fell asleep and I had a nightmare.'' I shook my head, slightly confused.

''But it's not night.'' He smirked, thinking he was funny.

''That's not funny.'' I dead eyed him.

''Just trying to lighten the mood.'' He sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed and I pulled myself up to sit against the head board.

''So, how've you been?'' Scott asked.

''Alone.'' I told him bluntly, slightly throwing him off. ''Dad's always on case, so I either stay at home alone or I'm left in hotels. What about you?''

''Okay.'' He shrugged, not wanting to tell me how much better his life is compared to mine.

''You don't have to lie just to make me feel better, we both know that your life is way better. You go to school, have friends, you've changed a lot and in a good way-'' I started to say.

''Okay, that's true but we don't have to talk about it.'' Scott cut me off.

''Well what else are we supposed to talk about? We haven't seen each other in years and all of a sudden I'm just thrown back here with you and Mum.'' I ranted to him.

''So I'm guessing you don't want to be here.'' Scott figured out.

''No, I really don't.'' I told him.

''Ashley, I'm really sorry I haven't been there for you, I've had a lot on my plate lately and I mean a lot.'' Scott sighed.

''Haven't we all.'' I sighed, getting up and continuing unpacking.

''So are you coming to dinner with Mum and I later?'' Scott asked.

''Do I have a choice?'' I asked and Scott just shook his head. ''Then I guess I am.''

''Okay, well I've got something to do, so I'll pick you up later.'' Scott got up.

''I'm not surprised.'' I shook my head.

''I'm sorry.'' He sighed.

''I'm not bothered, I'm used to being alone anyway.'' I told him, Scott went because he knew I wouldn't listen to anything he had to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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