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"Hello Ma'am! What can I get for you?" The handsome young waiter asked me.

"Can I get... hmm, so many good choices!" I say laughing. He smiled widely at me. The bell at the door of the cafe suddenly jingled. I glanced at the door. 3 men that looked around my age entered, and some girls nearby screamed. I rolled my eyes. Girls these days. "Anyways, I'd like the chicken sandwich with coleslaw, please." I look up smiling at the waiter, but he was staring at these three guys who had just entered. "Excuse me?" I say, waving my hand in front of his face.

"Oh, sorry, Ma'am! The chicken sandwich with the coleslaw coming up!" He said, scurrying off.

"The service today is awful." I mutter under my breath. I glance to the three guys. One of them was already looking at me. I smiled nervously. He smiled gently. I look back down at my book. "They probably think they are all that and famous when I've never seen them." I mutter again. They were all laughing. Finally, my lunch arrived.

"I'm so sorry about the bad service earlier. Here's a piece of cake on us!" The waiter bows and leaves. I smile. I'm so engrossed in my book that I don't see someone sitting in the seat opposite me.

"What are you reading?" He says. I look up. It was Isaac, my best friend and co-photographer.

"So that's the new hobby, is it? Creeping up on me!" I say laughing. I catch eyes with the same guy from the opposite table of three. I look back at Isaac.

He turns around, "what?"

"Nothing." I say laughing to myself. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Oh, I only stopped by to see you, I've gotta go now because I'm gonna be late for this meeting blah blah blah!" He takes a bite of my cake. "Bye loey!" He leaves. I roll my eyes and get back to my reading.  I quickly look at the guys again. The one that kept looking at me looked at his friend and then looked at me with a questionable look on his face. I shrug and laugh, and he laughs, too. He gets up.

"Oh shit!" I whisper to myself. He comes over and sits in the chair where Isaac was sitting.

"Hi! I couldn't help but notice you were all alone and your friend from earlier had come and gone! Would you like to join us at our table?" He says, smiling. I stared at him, not knowing what to say. He had black shiny hair and looked quite tall. "Oh, sorry, my name is Soonyoung and the one with the darker brown hair, that's seungkwan and the other guy that's seokmin!" He says again, grinning.

"Yeah, sure, I'm only reading, not doing anything important!" I say, picking up my things and following Soonyoung to the table. I take the empty seat to find all 3 smiling at me. I'm sure I went bright red because Seungkwan looked at them and cleared his throat.

"So... what's your name? Soonyoung here doesn't ask the right questions!" Seungkwan says, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, haha," I laugh nervously and look at Soonyoung, who looked quite embarrassed. "It's okay! My name is Kang Lois. But please just call me Lois." I say laughing awkwardly again.

"Ah okay Lois what do you do for a living? Surely you are a model because you are beautiful!" Seokmin says in awe. I laugh and shake my head.

"Very kind of you, Seokmin, but actually, I'm quite the opposite. im a photographer who takes photos of the models and sometimes famous people!" I say smiling, and Seokmins jaw drops. "What?" I laugh.

"Well, if you do photos for famous people, you could take some for u-" he starts to say, but Seungkwan jabs his elbow into Seokmins arm. "OW! Kwan, what the!" Seungkwan shakes his head. "What I was gonna say was you could do photos for u -" he begins to say again when Seungkwan interuppts him.

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