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I woke up and immediately looked at my phone. There was a message from Soonyoung already. I giggled to myself. The message said,

'I can't wait to see you! See you at 10'

I checked the time.

"SHIT! ITS 9:30!" I jumped out of bed and quickly got ready. It was 10 and I was putting my shoes on. I quickly ran out the door and locked up. I ran so fast to the café where Soonyoung was waiting with a guy wearing glasses. He was stunning. His fluffy hair rested just above his eyes. I made sure to sort myself out.

"Sorry I'm late, I didn't wake up until 9:30!" I laughed and hugged Soonyoung. He blushed a little, and so did I.

"It's okay, Lois. This is Wonwoo. He's one of the 12 others hanging with us together today!" Soonyoung says, and I turn to Wonwoo. He smiled, and I practically died. He was gorgeous. I had to keep my composure, and I shook his hand.

"Do I not get a hug like hoshi hyung?" Wonwoo says. I stare at him, confused.

"Hoshi? Who's that?" I ask, and Soonyoung face plants himself.

"That's what we needed to talk to you about Lois." Soonyoung says.

"Oh... sorry, hyung." Wonwoo says nervously and looks at the floor.

"You know, yesterday when you asked what we did and Seungkwan kept interrupting, Dk- I mean Seokmin?" Soonyoung says. I stare and then nod. I catch eyes with Wonwoo. Gosh...

"Well, we are famous. We are the band Seventeen." Soonyoung says. "My real name is Soonyoung, but my stage name is Hoshi. Seokmins' stage name is Dk. Seungkwan is Seungkwan, and Wonwoo is Wonwoo." I stand there staring at them both.

"What?" I say with my mouth open wide.

"I really wanted to tell you on the day, but Seungkwan insisted we didn't scare you off. But I didn't want to lie to you, so... I'm sorry." Soonyoung says. I see his hand shaking. I look at wonwoo, who just stares quietly.

"Oh... well, I don't see a problem with that? I mean, you wouldn't have scared me off by telling me you were famous here. I think it's pretty cool!" I say laughing. "Actually, I'm not sure why I hadn't figured it out before because of those girls who screamed when the three of you entered."

"So you aren't gonna run away and never speak to me again?" Soonyoung- I mean Hoshi says.

"I won't." I laugh, and Wonwoo laughs too. SHIT. That laugh was heavenly. Come on, Lois. Just relax.

"Oh, that's good then, I thought I was gonna never see you again." Hoshi says, sighing with relief. I look at him puzzled. "Cause you're nice!" He says laughing awkwardly. I nodded and laughed, too.

The three of us started our way to meet the other 11 members of Seventeen. I'm living most girls' dreams right now. Walking down the street with Hoshi and Wonwoo. We finally arrived at a building, and they both took me up to a dance practice studio where some guys, similar to my age, were playing badminton. I smiled to see Seokmin and Seungkwan there.

"LOISSSSS!!!! HIIIIIIIIIIII!" Min rushed over and gave me a big hug. I laughed.

"Hi, min! Or should I say Dk?" I laughed, and he stared at me. "Soonyoung told me." I say laughing, and Dk realises.

"Oh. COME MEET THE OTHERS!" He says, taking me by the hand. The guys all gather around. "There's only a few of us." I looked at them. They were all drop-dead gorgeous. Who knew?

"This is Scoups. He's our leader!" Dk says. Scoups were tall and buff. He had bushy eyebrows and a round face with black hair. I shook his hand and said hi.

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