A Glance Into The Future

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The city is dark now, and the hunger in your stomach hasn't subsided in the least. Ever since you had come to the realization that you were not, in fact, dreaming, the world felt much, much scarier. You have long since left the bench where you met the old woman to continue on your mindless journey back into the heart of the city. Streets signs told you that you were in Musutafu, meaning that UA was somewhere nearby, which was awfully convenient if you thought about it.

But you refuse to think about it, because right now you are tired, hungry, and very paranoid. In fact, you refuse to think about anything right now, especially the fact that you are powerless in a world where everyone has powers, or the fact that you're a young, technically homeless girl in a large city at night. Or the fact that-

Your stomach loudly interrupts your thoughts before they can continue, and you feel a headache coming on from the hunger. You take a seat at the nearest bench. Your situation probably would have prompted you to throw up, but there was no food in your stomach. Maybe you should start looking around the city? Surely there's some decently hygienic food lying around somewhere.

You ignore your pounding headache and will yourself up.


After what seems like hours of walking—which was probably more like minutes—you find yourself in a brightly lit, densely populated area of the city. Neon signs pointed to bars and brothels and love hotels while TV billboards lit the city with a rainbow of colors. Most of the people were obliviously drunk, which lended you to finding several misplaced and forgotten items— of which include a sum total of ¥1970, a probably fake gold bracelet, a 20% off coupon for a nearby massage parlor, and a veggie burrito with a few bite marks that you very carefully ate around.

Now that you've eaten your headache is gone, but the night life is fierce and you can't take more than a few steps before being shoved around by some drunk idiots. You assure yourself that it's fine, since a place like this was where you were most likely to find money— which you need at least ¥6,000 of if you want to afford one night at a hotel.

You continue to scan the ground for anything useful, and your eyes light up when they land on a crisp ¥5,000 note stuck underneath a vending machine—that could get you a place to sleep! You wiggle your way through the crowd and quickly dive to catch it before it flies away in the cold night wind. You grasp it firmly, but your excitement disappears when someone grabs your wrist harshly on your way back up.

The perpetrator— a middle aged man with bloodshot eyes and disheveled hair— stares down at you furiously.

"Hey, you little urchin, that's my money!" He growls at you with slurred speech. He is obviously drunk, but his attitude send a shiver of fear down your spine. You try to babble an excuse, but you can't, and you definitely don't want to give it back. His anger seems to spike at your lack of response, and he roughly pulls you towards him.

"Do you wanna fuckin' die, you rat?! Hand it over!" His grip on your wrist quickly turns bruising, and it makes your eyes water. Your grip on the note turns iron. Maybe it's your hubris, but you refuse to give up the money; finders keepers! You use your other hand to try to yank yourself out of his grasp, but it only infuriates him more.

"Let me go asshole!" You try to demand, but it comes out shakily. This seems to set the man off, and he yanks at your wrist again.

"You little bitch!" He curls his hand into a fist and winds his arm back to aim a punch at your face. Your eyes widen, but deciding that you've taken enough hits to the face today, you reel your head back and head-butt him. Hard.

You expected it to at least stun him, but you didn't expect for him to be sent flying several feet back and into the brick wall of the building behind him. You gasp as his body slumps down, and you're afraid that you've killed him when you notice the cracks in the wall from where he hit it, but your relieved when you hear pained groaning coming from his body. You spin your head around to see if anybody had witnessed the event, but luckily for you, everyone was too drunk to notice.