A Great Big Headache

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While most of your classmates were stressing out over the possibility of getting expelled, you spend the rest of the exercise trying not to piss off Bakugo again. You're still not very keen on the idea of losing to him, but if it meant not getting on his bad side then you'll do it. It was kinda hard though, because every time he'd do better than you on an exercise he'd send you that same cocky smirk, which was really starting to piss you off, and ignoring him wasn't working very well.

It was Midoriya's turn to throw the ball now. He hadn't used his quirk the whole exercise, and if your memory serves you correctly then you're pretty sure that this was the part where he did.

You know it's a mean thing to wish on him, but you're really hoping that it gets Bakugo's attention off of you. I mean you know things turn out fine anyways...

"—You haven't heard about what Midoriya did at the entrance exam? He's not quirkess!" You overhear the blue-haired guy say to Bakugo, to which he is very confused by. You watch as Midoriya attempts to use his quirk, but it gets erased by Aizawa before he can. He walks up to him, and you can't really hear what Aizawa is saying to him, but if Midoriya's face was anything to go by then it probably wasn't good. You only start paying attention when you see ball Midoriya throws absolutely shooting through the air at Mach 10.

When Aizawa turns to show his score—which just so happens to be the same as Bakugo's— you clap quietly (it's the least you can do to thank him for getting Bakugo off your back). At first Bakugo's jaw is on the floor, but the expression quickly shifts into one of unbridled rage. He growls and starts sprinting towards the boy, explosions coming from his hands.

"HEY! Deku you bastard tell me how you did that or you're dead!" He shouts, before immediately being seized up by Aizawa's scarf-thing.

Jeez, this kid needs a chill pill.

After the last few excruciating tests you're all called back to the field where you started, where Aizawa reveals your scores. You don't mean too, but you smirk so hard your jaw hurts when you realize you're in 3rd place, with Bakugo right behind you. Thankfully he was still too in his own head about the Midoriya thing to care all that much. Aizawa then reveals that it was all a "rational deception" to the class in order to ensure that they all performed to the best of their abilities, and you have to hold back a snicker when you see their surprised expressions, especially Midoriya's.

The rest of the day goes by fairly quickly, and before you know it, schools over. The walk home was much easier since you're going downhill, which you're very grateful for considering your headache still hasn't gone away yet.

You arrive to your gym by 4 pm, where you spend the rest of the evening working out before going to sleep on the roof of a nearby convenience store.


Your morning classes go by in a breeze (probably because you had taken pretty much all of the classes in your first life anyways), but it was lunch now, and only now do you realize that you don't have a clue where to sit. You hadn't actually talked to a single person yesterday, excluding when you cussed out the blue-haired guy, so you didn't exactly have any friends to sit with yet. You scan the area for any empty tables.

There was the table with Midoriya and his friends, as well as the one with Bakugo's, but your relationship with at least one of the people at each of those tables wasn't exactly pleasant, so you digress. Finally, your eyes settle on a table with only one person—a guy from your class. Surely he wouldn't mind right? You make a beeline for the table.

Actually, as you come closer and memories of this guys behavior from the show start to come back to you do you realize that he probably actually would.