A Start to Remember

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February 26th ♥︎ 8:30 AM

You arrive to the entrance exam early, not for any particular reason, but you really don't have much else to do. Either way, the place is packed with promising looking individuals, Including a lot of the people from the hero course— or at lease who will be in the hero course. You enter the dark auditorium and take a seat near the middle.

A few minutes later President Mic walks to the front and begins presenting the point system, which you don't bother to listen to since you already know how it goes. You look at the card you've been given; apparently you're in battle center C. You don't start paying attention again until the blue haired nerdy guy stands up and starts complaining to President Mic about the "error" on the card. President Mic goes on to expand on his question, but the nerd keeps going.

"-and you with the unkempt hair, you've been muttering this whole time! Stop that—" He continues on. You turn to look behind you at the boy who you already know he's referencing. Midoriya quickly slaps a hand over his mouth before apologizing. While staring you accidentally make eye contact with the boy. You turn with enough force to crack your neck, unable to handle the second hand embarrassment, before you can see his mouth drop in shock at your appearance.

You're dropped off by a bus to your battle stations, and while waiting there you recognize a few more familiar faces, but your attention shifts when you see the doors open. You move before anybody else does, and don't bother to listen to the confusion of the rest of your group.

"What are you waiting for?! There is no countdown in a real battle!" A voice yells from a speaker.

Suddenly, a tidal wave of students come crashing forward through the entrance— but you're already ahead. You smirk, feeling a little smug.

The first robot you spot is a 2-pointer. You run towards it and watch as it rears its robotic head towards you, making a move to attack you. You dodge left and it plunges its arm-shield into the ground, getting it stuck in the concrete. You aim a punch at the three red eyes in the middle of its face, and watch it crumple like paper into your fist. Ouch. You don't think you'll ever get used to the pain of punching.

You spend the next ten minutes throwing left and right hooks into the faces of robots, and so far you've counted up 38 points total.

You in the middle of pummeling a 3-pointer into the ground when you hear a shout.

"Hey pretty lady, wanna see something cool?" You turn to see a familiar face. It's a blond boy with black squiggles in his hair; isn't this guy in 1-A. Denji or something? He winks at you flirtatiously before turning to point his thumb at a group of 3-pointers a few feet away. After finishing off the 3-pointer you're dealing with with a final punch, you shrug wordlessly to him. He seems to take this as a yes and fist-bumps himself with great enthusiasm before running towards the robots.

"Watch this!" He shouts in a way that only people from an anime would, sending a large burst of electricity towards the robot. The robots start spazzing out for a few seconds before collapsing to the ground in a smoking heap. You'll have to admit, that was pretty cool.

You clap loudly and the boy turns back to you with two thumbs up and a dumb expression on his face. You guess he used his power too much?

Suddenly, the ground begins to tremble from underneath you. Building begin to collapse a block away from you and the shadow of the mountainous 0-pointer looms over you. Its massive face seems as though it's staring right at you. Slowly, one of its gigantic hands begin reaching out towards your direction.

"Hell no!" You've got to run. You're wearing a new pair of matching sweats that you got from a clearance rack for only ¥2100 and you absolutely refuse to let them get ruined here.

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