Part 93

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In the dimly lit basement of an old Victorian mansion, the Ladies in Black, Ellie and Sydney, reigned supreme as the enigmatic duo of bondage dominas. Their reputation preceded them, whispered about in hushed tones by those who dared to speak of their nefarious deeds. On this particular night, the duo had set their sights on a new target - a wealthy couple who seemed ripe for the picking.

As the clock struck midnight, Ellie stood before the bound and helpless slave boy, Zaman, a smirk playing on her lips as she toyed with the collar leash that hung from his neck. Zaman's naked form was a sight to behold, his muscular physique accentuated by the intricate ropes that bound him in a provocative display of submission. His eyes widened in a mix of fear and anticipation as Ellie taunted him with promises of what was to come.

"Patience, my pet," Ellie purred, her voice dripping with honeyed malice. "Sydney will be here soon, and then the real fun will begin."

Sure enough, Sydney made her entrance with a grace that belied her wicked intentions. The two women moved around Zaman like predators circling their prey, their black outfits blending seamlessly with the shadows that enveloped them. Sydney's fingers danced over the ropes that held Zaman captive, adding a dick rope that elicited a shiver of excitement from the bound slave boy.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Sydney leaned in close to Zaman, her voice a sultry whisper in his ear. "You belong to us now, Zaman. And we have plans for you and your dear wife when she arrives."

Meanwhile, Ellie took delight in tormenting Zaman further, her fingers tracing the contours of his exposed chest as she teased him mercilessly. As the tension in the room thickened with desire and anticipation, Sydney seized the moment to remove Zaman's gag, replacing it with a makeshift one fashioned from panties and tape. Zaman's muffled protests only served to fuel the Ladies' sinister desires.

"You see, Zaman," Sydney cooed, her eyes gleaming with dark amusement. "Your wife will soon join us, and the real festivities will begin. We have a special surprise in store for both of you."

As the minutes stretched into an eternity of twisted anticipation, Sydney made a call to Zaman's wife, her voice laced with honeyed venom as she relayed the invitation for her to join the party. The unsuspecting wife, unaware of the danger that awaited her, agreed to come without hesitation.

In the midst of this dark tableau, Ellie took it upon herself to play with Zaman's throbbing member, the dick rope adding to his torment as he writhed in his bindings. The air was heavy with the scent of desire and fear, a potent cocktail that sent shivers down Zaman's spine.

And so, as the stage was set for a night of forbidden pleasures and unspeakable acts, Zaman's fate hung in the balance, teetering on the brink of ecstasy and despair. The Ladies in Black had struck again, their dominance unchallenged, their desires insatiable. And as the echoes of moans and groans cascaded through the darkened mansion, the night unfurled its twisted delights, leaving all who were ensnared in its web forever changed.

Dominas and SubmissivesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora