The barrens

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Previously on chapter two
Oh what if give to have my little sister back

Three person POV

Your POV
You woke up around 11 am and grabbed your sketchbook from your book and went downstairs
"Hey mom! Can I go down to the barrens and sketch?"
"Yeah just be careful"
You went outside and didn't really bother to get your bike since you lived near the barrens, you walk to the barrens and sat down against a tree in front a bunch of beautiful flowers and began drawing the scenery around you, you saw a few other bikes but didn't think anything of it, after a moment you heard a branch snap you whip around and saw the black haired boy from yesterday with glasses probably bigger then his ego "what are you doing here?" He asked
"What are you doing here" you asked back
"I asked first" he argued playfully as you stood up "just..drawing what about you..?"
"Lookin for shit wanna join us?"
"Sure I don't see why not"
"You know I was kidding right?" He replied
"Well I'm not"
Richie takes you back to the barren pipe where the other three were, Stanley looks over at you, his face turning slightly pink as bill enters the barren pipe
Me and Eddie were talking when we saw Richie come back with the same girl we saw yesterday I felt my face heat up, as I quickly looked away back to Eddie, who was wiggling his eyebrows at me, god that kid spends too much time much time with Richie. She walks over to the barren pipe and walked inside but quickly walked back out, due to the stench probably worse then Richie's stench, Richie then walked in, and turned around after a minute to look at us three,
"Aren't you guys coming in?" Richie asked
"Nuh uh..that's grey water.." Eddie replied
Me and Y/N looked at him confused
"What the hell is grey water..?" Richie said
"I-it''s basically piss and shit so I'm just telling guys are splashed around in Millons of gallons of Derry pee.." Eddie answered
Richie grabs a stick from the water, dipping the tip of the stick in the water, sniffing it
"I can't even- a-are you serious what are doing-" Eddie said
"Doesn't smell like caca to me sénor"
Richie said in a horrible accent
"I-okay I can smell that from here" Eddie said
"It's probably just your breath wafting back into your face" Richie Argued back
As they argue me and her look at each other rolling our eyes at their bickering continued
Eddie sighs dramatically
"Have you ever heard of a staff infection!?"
Eddie argues back
"Oh I'll show you staff infection" Richie said
Eddie started talking about a bunch of infections like listeria or herpes
When suddenly Richie picks something up from the water and throws it at him
Eddie screams like a little girl
"Guys!" Bill said interrupting their bickering
We all look over at him, he was holding a shoe
"Shit don't tell me that's.." I say shakily
"Whose sneaker is it?" Eddie asks
I look over to see Y/N walking into the pipe to look at the sneaker,
I walked into the pipe with Richie and bill
Despite the stench I look over bills shoulder and saw whose shoe it was it said b. Rimson
"It's Betty rimsons.." I said nervously
"Shit..oh god oh fuck..I don't like this" Eddie said
"What if she's still here?.." Stan said
"How do you think Betty feels? Walking around in these tunnels with only one frickin shoe" Richie said, playfully hopping around on one leg, getting a few stares
"Eddie come on!" Richie said walking deeper in the tunnel with bill
"My mom, will have an aneurysm okay if she finds out were playing down here I'm serious..bill? Eddie said
"Eddie..I-i-if i-h-I was b-Betty rimson I would want us to find me...g-Georgie to.." bill said
"What if I don't wanna find them.."
Eddie said, getting a few stares from us
"No offense bill but I don't wanna end up like G-" Eddie stops himself
"I don't wanna go missing either" Eddie finished
"He has a point" me and Stan said
"Y'all too?" Bill said
"It's summer! We're supposed to be having fun..this isn't fun, this is scary and disgusting-"
Stan said but got cut off by a splash behind him, causing me Eddie and him to whip around to see a boy. His shirt and face covered in blood
"Holy shit what happened to you?" Richie said as me and Stan quickly ran to the boy to help him up out of the water

To be continued
Word count: 771

Lovestruck kids (Stanley Uris x Y/N Y/L/N).                      COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now