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Your pov
"You, you did this" Mrs k said pointing at us all
"You know how delicate he is" she said putting Eddie in the car
"W-we were attacked m-m-m-Mrs k-" bill says
"Don't. Don't try and blame anyone else" she said, Mrs k drops her car keys
"Here let me help-" Beverly says, leaning down to pick them up for her, but Mrs k grabs them
"Get back!..oh I've heard of you Mrs marsh..I don't wanna dirty girl like you touching my son" she said
"Your really gonna believe rumors that you see on tv about a 13 year old girl?" I said, trying to stand up for Beverly
"Oh don't even try 'Mrs Perfect' you may think your better then everyone else but your just a little whore like her" she says, my eyes widen at her words, do people really think that about me..?
I slowly stepped back, looking down
Stan gently grabbed my hand, stroking my knuckles with his thumb
"Mrs K I-i- i swear-" bill said
"No! You are all monsters, and Eddie is done with you, you hear? Done" she said, getting in her car and driving away with Eddie
Meanwhile my knee was still bleeding horribly
We all walked into the street looking at the car driving away
Bill turns back to look at us
"I saw the well..w-w-we know where it is a-and next time we'll be better prepared" bill said with a slight smile
"No! No next time bill, you're insane!" Stan said loudly, making me jump slightly
"Why? We all know no one else is gonna do anything" Beverly said
"Eddie and Y/N was nearly killed! And look at this motherfucker! He's leaking hamburger helper!" Richie said pointing to bens bleeding stomach
"We can't pretend it's gonna go away, Ben you said yourself it comes back every 27 years" Beverly says
"Fine, I'll be 40 and far away from here..I thought you said you wanted to get away from this town to" Ben says, holding his stomach
"Because I wanna run towards something, not away.." Bev said
"I'm sorry who invented Molly ringwald into the group?" Richie said pointing to Beverly
"I'm just saying let's face facts! Real world! Georgie is dead, stop trying to get us killed too"
Bill grabs Richie by the collar of his shirt
"Georgie's not dead..." bill says
"You couldn't save him but you can still save yourself.." Richie said
"N-n-no t-take it back..you scared and we all are but take it back!" Bill pushed Richie and Richie pushed him back
Bill then punched Richie
My eyes widened as I leaned down to help up Richie
Stan and Mike held back Richie while me and Ben held back bill
"Bill stop!" I said
They both stop trying to fight each other and bill turns to me and he looked mad
"O-O-O-oh, you f-finally go your t-tongue out of Stans throat long enough to say something" he said
"Do you have to argue with everyone you meet?!" I say
"O-O-Of course I-i do, when your nothing but full of shit! Nothing but a coward!" Bill said
"Coward hm? I followed you into that house where a psychotic child eating spawn from hell supposedly lives! If I was a coward I would've never done that! I risked my own fucking life to try and help you"
I said clearly angry
"Y-Y-your just showing off to your boyfriend" he said referring to stan
"You know what bill..fuck you! I've been nothing but good to you, I'm doing everything I can to try and help you..but I just cawn't anymore! I thought I could trust you but the whole time I've been In this group I've been nothing but hurt! Physically and mentally."
"W-well if you really t-think that then maybe you shouldn't be in the losers club" bill said
"Stop!" Beverly says
"This is what it wants..it wants to divide us..we were all together when we hurt it..that's why we're still alive!" Beverly finished
"Yeah? I plan to keep it that way" Richie said walking away to his bike i follow after him, grabbing my bike, and slowly began riding away when I heard Stan call after me
"Not now Stanley. I can go home without you up my ass" I said peddling away

I finally got home and went into my room
Not even saying hi to my mom
I sat in my bathroom and sat on the floor in the corner hugging my knees crying
After a few minutes I went back in my room and sat in my bed I heard a knock on my window and I opened my window and saw Stanley, he didn't say anything he just came in my window
We both sat on my bed and he looked at me
"Are you mad at me?" He said as I looked at him and was about to say something
But he cut me off
"Just..what were those words you used? 'Stan I can go home without you up my ass'..the only reason why I am is because I worry about you Y/N.." he said looking at me
"I'm sorry Stan..I so scared and confused..I don't know what to do anymore.." my voice cracks
He puts his hand on my knee, trying to calm me down
"Y/N..don't cry.." he says
I look at him as he pulled me into a hug
After we pulled away from the hug I say
"And no..I'm not mad at you..I'm sorry.."
"It's okay" he said smiling
He leaned in, softly kissing me, I leaned into the kiss
I move my hands up to his curls, tangling my fingers in them
I pull away slowly
I look in his sugar brown eyes, as they sparkle, I peck his lips once more before pulling back

He looks down at my knee, seeing the dry blood on it
"Do you want me to help you clean it?" He said
I nod, we walked in my bathroom and he sets me up on the counter
"Where's your like first aid stuff?"
"In the bottom cabinet." I said as he grabbed the first aid stuff, and put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad, and started cleaning the cut
I grab his hand, squeezing it, as it stung when he put the rubbing alcohol on it
"I know it stings..one second." He but a bandage on it
"Done." He said, as i jumped off the counter

Lifes getting better

Word count: 1228

Lovestruck kids (Stanley Uris x Y/N Y/L/N).                      COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now