°Bens house°

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Stans POV
We were on our way to Ben's house, we were riding there, I look over to Y/N..god she's so pretty..the way her hair glides in the wind..her eyes, her lips. Her body, her smile...I just love her..I might've only met her a few days ago..but I love her..

Your POV
We finally got to bens house, I was the first to walk into his room, I look around, amazed by how much information he had on derry, Richie and Eddie and everyone else walked in, Richie looked around, adjusting his glasses,
"Woah woah..wow" Richie said
"Cool huh?" Ben said
"No no there's nothing cool.." Richie says
We walked over to the wall with a bunch of missing posters of kids and articles on derry,
"What's that?" Stan said pointing to a photograph
"Oh that? That's a charter for Derry township"
"Nerd alert" Richie said, adjusting his glasses as I gave him the 'really?' Look
"No..it's actually really interesting..derry started as a beaver trapping camp-" Ben said
"Still is am I right boys?" Richie said, raising his hand for a high five, yet not getting one
"91 people signed the chart that made derry.. later that winter they all disappeared without a trace" Ben said
"The entire camp?" Eddie said surprised
"There was rumors of Indians but..no sign of an attack..everyone just..thought it was a pledge or something..it's like one day everyone just woke up and left..the only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the well house.." Ben said
"..maybe it's like that Roanoke thing too..when all those people went missing" I said
"Oh Y/N please don't tell me your a nerd to.." Richie said as I gave him a pissed off look
"Well so what if I am, your the one with glasses bigger then your ego" I said absolutely pissed at that point as I heard Stan and Eddie snickering
I walked over to where bill was and began looking at the projector slides, trying to calm down, as Richie was getting on my last nerve
"Y-you okay?" Bill asked
"Richies on my last nerve" I said
"H-h-he's on everyone's last nerve"
Bill says, looking over to Ben
"W-where was t-the well house?" He asked Ben
"I don't know..somewhere in the town I guess..why?" Ben says
"Nothing.." bill replied as i walked back over to the others
Time skip
Beverly was biking home with me, I was quiet the whole time. We finally got to our apartments, we parked our bikes
"Y/N..you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine..just thinking"
"About what?"
"Oh..y'know..crush problems.."
"Who do you have a crush on?" Beverly asks me
"....it may or may not be Stanley..." I said as she smirks "oh shut up..don't think I don't know about you and bill" I said walking up the fire escape
"Night" we yell to each other

I walked inside my apartment, and took my shoes off, I walk in my room and sat on my bed, as my mom wasn't home, I curled up and hugged my knees, silently sobbing I didn't know why..I just wanted to cry..
I heard tapping on my window, I got up and lifted my curtains, swearing I saw a clown shaped human run past, I jumped back, more tears Ran down my face uncontrollably, I plopped on my bed, crying myself to sleep

Jesus..I hope no one asks me if I'm okay Tomorrow..

Word count: 600

Lovestruck kids (Stanley Uris x Y/N Y/L/N).                      COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now