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"That's destiny!! Meeting your college crush again!!" Mira cheered from the other end of the call, making me chuckle.

"You and your kdrama mentality." I rolled my eyes playfully, knowing that Mira always had a flair for the dramatic. "But seriously, Y/N, maybe this is a sign that things are meant to be," she added, her voice filled with excitement.

"Mira, you are too optimistic sometimes." I laughed before bidding my goodbyes and hanging up.

Talking to Mira always cheered me up, and I could always rely on her. I met her in LA and became friends because we both happened to be the only Koreans at our university. She was always there for me, even from miles away. I couldn't help but feel grateful for her friendship.

The door to my room opened, and a head popped in, revealing Mr. Lee. He smiled at me before entering. "Hey.."

I stood up and greeted him with a polite bow, welcoming him, "Mr. Lee. May I help you?" I was surprised to see him inside the room, as all the staff were in their own private rooms right now, as the Going Seventeen shooting for the day was over. "Oh, no, it's nothing serious," He waved his hand in front of his face with a smile. "I just wanted to check in on you and see how you're doing after today's shoot."

I invited him to sit down on the chair, "Oh yeah, the shoot went great." I responded with a polite smile. He's a well respected man in my department, so it's always better to get on his good side. After a few moments of awkward silence, he stood up. "Alright. I'll get going." He turns around to leave but stops before saying, "Have you eaten yet? If not, let's have dinner together. I heard the home cooked meals are good here." He explained before he left. He didn't even give me a chance to speak.

"Oh well, there goes my break time." I grab my coat and put it on before putting my phone in its pocket and heading out for dinner.

Jeonghan and the rest of the vocal team decided to have some home cooked meals for dinner instead of all the fancy food available. They just wanted something simple, and according to Seungkwan, there was a good restaurant nearby. Without any protest, they trusted their dear friend as he led the way and entered the restaurant.

As soon as they entered, Dokyeom waved at somebody and when Jeonghan turned to look, he saw Mr. Lee having dinner, and next to him was Y/N. Jeonghan sighed, Not her again. Despite his initial annoyance, Jeonghan decided to just focus on enjoying the meal with his friends and try to ignore Y/N's presence. He hoped that the evening wouldn't be ruined by her unexpected appearance.

But, of course, the universe wasn't on his side. When Mr. Lee offered to have a meal together, he didn't have a choice but to say yes.

The moment soon got awkward as I was seated next to Jeonghan, Why him? I occasionally glanced at him, making sure I kept a good distance between us. He looked like he was about to fall off the chair because of how much he was trying to move away from me, it made me roll my eyes. It's not like I'm a disease.

"This place is great, we were planning on going for a walk in the jungle beside the homestay because the rooms are boring." Mr. Lee said while glancing at me. My eyes widen in surprise when I hear that. I never agreed to that. I wasn't particularly a fan of going out like this in the evening, but maybe it's for the best, I can explore the place too.

"Oh wow, that must be fun!" Seungkwan exclaimed while waving his hands around; seeing him so excited made me laugh. "Would you like to join us?" Mr. Lee offered, observing Seungkwan's reaction.

"Can I?? That's amazing!" He exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. I couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm, and I nodded in agreement.

"I'm not coming; I'm tired." Jeonghan interjected, looking uninterested in the idea of going out. I heaved a sigh of relief for some reason.

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