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A week passed, and I couldn't be happier with everything that was going on. Jeonghan and I are on good terms now, and I have already had a few meals with some members together thanks to Soonyoung. It feels like my friendship with all of them is expanding, and I was extremely happy. I was starting to believe that maybe we could truly move forward and create new memories together, leaving the past where it belonged. The thought of a fresh start with Jeonghan and the rest of the group filled me with hope and excitement for what was to come.

It was Soonyoung's birthday today, and he invited me and a few other staff members for a dinner party at a luxurious hotel.

"Hello... Am I late?" I greet everyone as I enter the reserved room of the lavish hotel restaurant, where the members have already gathered for dinner.

"Oh heyy!!" Soonyoung rose up from his seat and handed me a wine glass with a huge smile. I took the wine glass and wished him a happy birthday before joining the group at the table, feeling grateful for the warm welcome and excited for the celebration ahead. The other girls that I came with also took their seats comfortably.

"So," Soonyoung clapped his hands together after he placed the glass of wine on the table, "it's my birthday today!" A bunch of 'woo's and 'woah's erupted as everyone cheered, "It's my treat! Help yourselves to the fullest!!" He shouts, raising his wine glass once again, followed by everyone raising theirs to toast as the room filled with an excited atmosphere. 

Hours went on as I listened to Seungkwan and Dokyeom sing their hearts out, sometimes jumping up and moving to the music that was being played on the speakers. I watched Seungcheol and Mingyu take pictures of everyone with a proud fatherly smile on their faces. I watched Soonyoung run around, pouring everyone a drink while singing along to the songs. I watched Minghao endearingly watch his members having fun, while occasionally sipping some wine. Jun and Wonwoo about to pass out by laughing too hard, and Vernon pouring Joshua a drink, which both of them enjoy together. I watched as Jihoon quietly observed everything from a corner, a small smile playing on his lips as he took in the scene before him. Meanwhile, Chan was busy organizing games for everyone to play, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he brought the group closer together through laughter and friendly competition. A small smile crept up my lips as I eyed all of them while slowly turning my gaze to Jeonghan, who was talking to one of the staff members I came with—Jia. 

I saw Jia's eyes sparkle as she talked with him, flashing her pretty smile at him once in a while. I felt somewhat uneasy, like a burning in my chest as I watched those two talk. Maybe it's the alcohol. Perhaps everyone must have been watching this scene of Jeonghan and Jia unfold in front of them as Seungkwan spoke up with a smirk, "Ooh, what's going on here??"

Jia's eyes widened, followed by Jeonghan as she quickly turned to face Seungkwan, who was grinning mischievously. The tension in the air was broken by Seungkwan's playful interruption, "LET'S PLAY GAMES!"

It was around 1 a.m. now, and almost all of us were drunk except Jihoon, who was drunk on apple juice. Some of the members passed out asleep on the couch, and the other members frantically looked for blankets to cover them with. I sighed, not feeling that great since the last time I drank, I ended up crying and throwing up. Standing up, I decided to go outside for some fresh air and clear my head before trying to help clean up the mess inside to leave soon. I can't imagine the headache I'll have tomorrow.

As I stood against the railings, inhaling the cool night air, I closed my eyes to try to calm my spinning head and queasy stomach. The sound of crickets chirping in the distance provided a sense of peace amidst the chaos of the party. However, the moment was soon interrupted as I heard some footsteps behind me. Turning back, I saw Jia standing there, hugging herself to prevent the cold. With a small smile, I offered her the heat pack I was holding as she approached me.

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