Chapter 8

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"You good?" Sincere questioned Que as they sat at the repast of his grandmother's funeral.

"I'm alright." Que mumbled, picking at his food with his fork.

Sincere gripped his hand, rubbing the top of it with her thumb. Que had been like this since this morning. He hadn't eaten and he hadn't said much, he hadn't even cried. One of Que's family members that Sincere had never met came up to the table to introduce themselves.

"Hey, I'm Que's cousin Cynthia." The older woman smiled. "I'm his mom's first cousin."

"It's nice to meet you." Sincere got up giving the woman a hug. She quickly released her from the hug when she smelt her perfume. It was very loud, similar to white diamonds by Elizabeth Taylor.

The woman began talking to Sincere but it was going in one ear and out of the other. She was trying to focus on not throwing up. The loud scent of her perfume was making her nauseous.

"Excuse me, I have to go to the restroom." Sincere forced a smile before taking off towards the restroom. Que got up from his seat following behind her.

Without locking the door, Sincere barged into the family restroom, emptying the food she'd just eaten into the toilet. "Sincere what the hell, are you okay?" Que questioned, holding her hair back.

"No." Sincere began to cry.

"What's wrong?"

"I think I'm pregnant." Sincere admitted, looking up at Que.

She'd tried to blame her increased appetite on stress, but her period still hadn't come, and she'd been having morning sickness for the past three days. Que hadn't noticed because she would have it when he was already gone for work.

"But you said you were sure you weren't pregnant."

"I lied." Sincere sighed. "I've been having morning sickness for the past few days and my period still hasn't came." Que sighed.

"Can we just deal with this when we get home later?" Que questioned; it was too much going on. He'd just buried his grandmother and was trying to cope with that, now he'd just found out this wife was probably pregnant.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it about me I just thought-"

"It's fine Sincere. Do you have some mouthwash or something?"

"No, I have some gum."

"Okay, you good?" He questioned, wiping her eyes. Sincere nodded, getting up from the floor and dusting her dress off.

Once Sincere got herself together, they exited the restroom and went back to the table. "Are you okay?" Que's mother whispered in Sincere's ear.

"Yeah." Sincere gave her a small reassuring smile.

When the repast was over, Sincere and Que headed to the store to get some pregnancy tests. Sincere wanted to push it off until tomorrow but Que wasn't having it. He wanted to know as soon as possible if she was pregnant.

"I got two different brands." Que announced as he slid into the car.

"Okay." Sincere mumbled, looking out of the window. She didn't see how Que was just walking around like nothing was wrong. He'd just buried his grandmother and he hadn't shedded a single tear. Then, Sincere had dropped the bomb on him that she was possibly pregnant. There was just no way he was this calm on the inside, she knew his mind had to be all over the place.

When they arrived home, the first thing Sincere did was take all of the pregnancy test and set a timer. She then began to get undressed before joining Que on their bed. He sat there with his head in his heads still dressed in the clothes from the funeral.

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