Aimed to kill [HP]

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"Do you think it'll happen again?" A girl asked, staring into the mirror with a sad expression on her face. "Try not to think the worst," another girl answered.

The two girls had been staying in a small hotel room together for they were orphans. Their mother had passed in child hood and six years later their father had passed in a car crash. They lived with their eldest brother, George.

However, when the girls left their private school George moved away and sold the land to work at the ministry of magic.

"Do you think if I cut my hair," One of the girls, Roslyn, asked, "would they tell us apart?" The young girls sister walked by her and stood next to her in the mirror.

"Perhaps it would be funnier to confuse the poor kids." The other girl, Annalise said. Annalise moved her sister's long brunette hair from her shoulders and brushed it back.

She put her hands on the side of Roslyn's head and leaned in, touching foreheads. "It's going to be okay." She kissed Roslyn's forehead.


The next day the two had set forth to the train station. "What an odd way to get to a school." Roslyn inquired as they looked around for a way to get to the station. A group of red heads and a young brunette walked over to the column between platforms nine and ten.

The girls followed behind, pushing through the brick wall to a duplicate platform filled with people and a single train.

Annalise sped over to the group before them and went to the eldest one. The mother. "Is this the train to Hogwarts?" She asked. "Yes." The group glanced at her.

"Are you new?" The mother asked. "Yes. We have just transferred here."

"Transferred? I've never heard of that happening- oh dear, here's the train." The girl said goodbye to each of her children and they got on the train. The girls and the brunette boy walked onto the train, heading their separate ways.

The girls sat in an empty compartment, their luggage on the bars above them. A group of boys walked past the compartment, laughing. One peeked in.

"Looks like the freak show is in town," one of the boys said. He was handsome, tall, olive skinned, with curly short brown hair.

"Be nice Lorenzo," another said, "would you rather have one pretty girl or two?" A tall dark skinned boy from behind them groaned and pushed them up, leaning into the compartment. "Sorry about them." He said as he and his group left.

The girls glanced at each other and laughed.


By the time the train had reached the station it was already night. A teacher called the first years and the rest headed on carriages to the castle.

The group of students were brought into a large dining hall and each student went to their respected tables, leaving the twins by the door.

There were whispers and people were staring at them until the doors behind them swung open to reveal the first years. The girls awkwardly shuffled to the back of the group, almost towering over them.

As kids from the group continued getting called and the group became smaller slowly the girls were the last ones. "Who are you?" The professor, Ms. McGonagall asked the girls. Dumbledore said something to her and turned back to the girls.

"Roslyn Darling," she said, eyeing the girls. Rosalyn copied what she saw the other students do and walked up to the chair. She sat down, a magical brown hat being placed on her head. "Gryffindor!" It shouted.

A table exploded with claps and cheers and Roslyn walked towards the table, blushing. "Annalise Darling."

Annalise did the same, "Slytherin!" Annalise and Roslyn locked eyes as the table under the green flags clapped and Annalise walked over there.

Annalise sat awkwardly at the end of the table while Roslyn had been talking to many students at her table.

"Hey," a boy next to Annalise said, "I'm Lorenzo Berkshire."

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