Dreamcatcher [spider-man]

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Peter was always up to something stupid. Wether it was about Gwen or 'sticking up for the little guys.'

"Peter." I said, walking through the door that his uncle opened. I walked over to his room and knocked. "Peter, it's me."

I heard a thump. I quickly opened the door to see Peter on the floor in his boxers. I roll my eyes and step out.

"Hurry up." I say as I walk into the kitchen. I sit down at the table and wait.

"Ready to go?" Peter walks into the kitchen with his skateboard in hand. "Woah." He says as he looks at me.

"What?" I ask looking down, I had a date tonight so I wanted to look cute. I had on a simple outfit - a pair of jeans and a flattering top - so I'm not sure why it was such a shock after all, I had worn stuff like this to school.

"Can you skate in that?" I roll my eyes and stand up, pushing past him.

"Try me." I say grabbing my skateboard that I had sat down. We walk together to the alley way where we like to skate.

"I dare you to do a kick-flip from up there." He says pointing to a ledge about ten feet up.

"No way! You do it." He laughs and pushes me some. I push him back, harder. He looks at me and I quickly run away before he can hit me. I hear him laughing. I walk back and sit on a bench.

After an hour we split ways and go back to each others houses. I walked in and greeted my mother and her boyfriend before walking upstairs into my room. I shut my door and click a button which is connected to a mechanical lock. I sat down at my computer and started researching about what ever popped into my head.

"Hey!" I heard Peter from outside the window. I quickly threw a pencil at him. "Wow, and I thought you were my best friend." I rolled my eyes and helped him inside.

"What are you doing here?" I said going back to my computer.

"The real question is, why are you looking up how long a giraffe neck is?" I smile and turn around to face him.

"Can I borrow your computer?" I roll my eyes and stand up, swaying my arms at the seat to say 'here you go, your highness.' He gave a soft curtesy and sat down. He quickly started looking up a guy named, Curt Conors. "Who's this old guy?"

"Curt, worked with my father. I found this brief case and it had a photo of them together." He said going through articles, making me read each one.

"Is this why you're such a nerd?" I said smirking, looking down at him. I rested my arm on the chair and the other on the desk so I could lean over him. "Wait, what's that?" I ask pointing at a link.

"Oscorp? They had an internship thing but it's closed now, I'm going to have to sneak in." I ravaged through one of my drawers. "Why is that your first idea?" I ask him.

"Aha!" I shout as I pull out a paper. "Look here, I have an internship there. Come with me tomorrow, ill get you in." He smiles and hugs me before grabbing his stuff and leaving.

"Be careful." I shout down to him as he climbs out the window, He falls onto the ground and groans.

"I'm okay!" He says giving me a thumbs up before walking off. I turn back to my computer and laugh, turning it off.

"What is he going to get himself into now." I said siting on my bed. I yawn and pull the covers over me. I feel my self drifting off and before I know it, everything's black.

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