Adopted by the Malfoys [HP]

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April 14, 1988 10:32PM (5 months old)

As I awoke to rain dripping on my forehead I was brought into a mysterious building. Suddenly, an overpowering feeling came over me and I began to cry. As I opened my eyes I saw a woman, her luscious brown hair in a high ponytail and an emerald necklace around her neck that matched her eyes.

"Now what do we have here?" The woman asked as she began to dig around the basket I was cradled in and pulled out a card that read,
'My name is Hazel, please take care of me'

The woman sighed and brought me up a flight of stairs, into a room. In the room there were lots of children sleeping but one child was in the corner playing. "Dean, what have I told you. Go to bed."

The young boy looked disappointed but went to bed anyways as the woman took me back outside the room and into a smaller room with a two cribs and a king sized bed. The woman took me out of the basket and lay me down in the crib. As I watched the woman walk into a closet and change as I slowly began to fall asleep.
August 24, 1994 9:53AM (6)

"Good morning Mrs. Colvin" Every child said as the woman entered the room. "GoOd mOrnINg Mr.S COlVin" I said in a mocking tone, a smile laced on my face.

"Good morning chil- hazel. What have I told you about being impolite." I rolled my eyes at her which clearly made her upset. "Corner. NOW."

I smirked at her and slowly walked to the corner as the other kids in the room began laughing at me.

"Ok children, today someone very lucky is going to get adopted. So, be on your best behavior."

I sat in the corner mocking her. She surely would have said something if someone hadn't rang the doorbell. I watched her pass me looking annoyed. "Ah, hello Mrs. And Mr. Malfoy," She said to the visitors.

I could faintly hear a conversation but just little words here and there. They began walking back up the stairs and she snapped her fingers to tell me to go into the line the children had formed.

There were three of them; a man, a woman, and their child. The Blonde older male was walking around the children looking disgusted. The man was saying rude words while walking past the children, 'Putrid, disgusting, retched.' Meanwhile, the female was looking joyful and kept looking at me. However, their son just stood there looking dumb. He looked about the same age as me.

"I like her" The woman said while pointing to me. Mrs. Colvin quickly walked in front of me.
"Oh no you don't want that one trust me!" She said.

Mrs. Colvin was talking about me as if I weren't there and I was an inanimate object. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Oh, I'm sure I do.." the woman said calmly, she had a slight annoyed look in her eyes as she looked at the caretaker.

"Fine. I'll get the papers." Mrs. Colvin walked away back to her room and the woman walked up to me with her son.

"What's your name dear?" I wanted to spit in her face she looked evil. I didn't respond and ignored her until Mrs. Colvin came back.

"Alright, here's the papers for hazel here." The woman held the papers out for Mrs. Malfoy.

"Hazel.." Mrs. Colvin handed her the papers and the pen as her husband walked up behind me and kicked me. I turned to face him.

"Excuse me." I said quickly to him. I glared at him and he glared right back.

"You're excused," he said with a smug smile.
How rude. First he kicked me then gave me attitude. As the woman finished signing the papers we left and went out into the street.

661 words

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