Imagine #2

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You are at the park with F/N. You were having a good time talking and chilling. You and your friend were at the swings and talking about random stuff. Then you guys started talking about your crushes. F/N started talking about her crush for what seemed like hours.

Then F/N said, "Sooo... who do you like!"

"Uh, I'm not sure I want to tell anyone yet..." you said.

"Well at least tell me something about him."

"Um ok. He is tall...umm...he is pretty popular. Oh, and he has (crush's hair color) hair, perfect teeth, and the most AMAZING eyes I have ever seen. He is everything you can imagine to be perfect! Every time I even look at him I get butterflies in my stomach..." you stopped talking. All those words flowed out without you realizing what you were actually saying.

"He sounds cute!" F/N said excitedly.

"I guess." is all you could say, but you knew you thought he was more than that. You didn't want to make it too obvious what you actually felt for him, even though some things slipped out already.

You both kept on talking and laughing. Then, you saw him. C/N. You freaked! You didn't want your friend to know he was right there. Instead you said, "We should walk around maybe, I'm getting tired of sitting."

"Ok, sure." F/N said.

You guys walked around. Your friend was talking about a time she met her idol. You, on the other hand, didn't hear a word she was saying. You kept on looking at C/N from the corner of your eye. I guess you were so distracted that you didn't notice you were walking closer and closer to C/N and his friends. You snapped out of it and jerked your friend to a stop. You were only a few feet away from them.

"Maybe we should go over there." you said pointing the other direction.

"Why?" F/N said.

"Um..." you couldn't think of anything to say. "Just come on!" You said that pretty loud. C/N heard and noticed you. He smiled at you. He then said something to his friends and started walking towards you. You froze, silent and staring at him. F/N noticed.

"Hi Y/N, nice seeing you here." C/N said.

"Hi.." you said staring at him rather awkwardly. He laughed.

"So, do you want to hang out sometime? My friends and I were just about to leave but I saw you, and had to say hi." he said smiling.

"Um sure! Of course, yea!" you said and regreted acting so excited. "Why Y/N why!" you said to yourself in your head.

"Ok, great!" C/N said with a smirk. "Mind giving me your number?" he said holding his phone out.

"Sure." You grabbed his phone, punched in your number, and gave him his phone back.

"Thanks!" he said staring at his phone. He looked up at you. "Can't wait."

"Well I have to go now." C/N said.

"Us too!" you said looking at your best friend. She giggled and said "Yea, we sure do!"

"Well, bye Y/N!" C/N said.

"Bye." you said. You stared at him while he walked back to his friends. He turned around to look at you, smirked, and turned back to his friends. They were all teasing him and he turned red. You did not believe what just happened.

"It's him, isn't it!" your friend said.

"Maybe, maybe not." you said plainly.

"Lets just keep walking, ok?" you told F/N.

"Ok, fine." F/N said.

The rest of the day, he was on your mind. You couldn't wait to see him again.
Hey guys! I'm back with another imagine! I really hope you guys like it! Add to your library for more! :D

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