Imagine #4

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It is your birthday!

You wanted to hang out with your friends and have a small party or something, but instead you were told you were going to (restaurant name) with your family. You were upset but decided not to ruin your day so you tried to at least enjoy it.

You didn't go with all of your family, but like the family you live with. So it was you, your mom, dad, and brother.

Since it was still your birthday, you wanted to look nice. You picked out a beautiful dress, not too fancy, and wore some nice jewelry. As for makeup, you went for a more natural look. It was 6:00, everyone was ready, and you left with your family.

It took you 20 minutes to get there from your house. You finally arrived. You walked inside and got a table right away, you were surprised it wasn't that busy.

You sat down, started talking to your family about life and stuff, and out of nowhere in the corner of your eye you saw him. C/N. You looked at him for 2 seconds, and went back to chatting. You were all jittery the rest of the time.

The waiter finally came. You ordered (what you would order), and the rest of your family did the same. Here comes the wait again.

Your brother played games on his phone, and your parents talked to each other about serious things. You looked around, and dozed off, not noticing you were straight off staring at C/N.

He waved at you and smiled. C/N was actually sitting at the table in front of yours. You snapped out of it and noticed. You waved back timidly but friendly. He smiled again and looked down at his lap.

(C/N's point of view...), Y/N looks so, unbelievable! If only I had the courage to talk to her.

Your food came, and you started eating. Time went by. Soon it was 7:18, and everyone was done eating. You needed to go to the restroom, so you went while your parents were paying the bill.

As you were walking out of the restroom, you saw C/N walk towards you. You didn't know what to do. You stood there staring, again.

"Hey Y/N, I saw you earlier and just wanted to say hi. You look amazing by the way." He said, blushing a bit.

You turned as red as a tomato.

"Thank you C/N, and you don't look so bad yourself." You said shyly. You thought it was cute that he was nervous to talk to you.

"Ha, thanks... so will you be at school tomorrow? Maybe we can hang out."

"Um, yea, sure!" you replied. Your mom called your name. "Well, I got to go now, I'll see you tomorrow ok?"

"Can't wait!" he said with a smirk.

You started walking away and he just stood there standing watching you leave. Your brother noticed you were talking to him and said "Oooo, is he your boyfriend?" teasing you. You just looked at him coldly and said no. He laughed and went back to his phone.

You turned around, waved bye to C/N, and left.

Since that day, you became friends and loved every moment of it.

OMG guys sorry! I really took long to update this imagine, and its not even my best, the ending was terrible .-. :( I'm so sorry guys, I've still been really busy and I barely had time. Thanks for understanding. I hope you enjoyed this at least a little bit, hope you you have an amazing week! Bye!

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