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You are currently sitting in a dressing room and looking at yourself in a mirror, you adjust your outfit as someone knocks and says "you're up"
You turn and leave the room, your shoes clacking on the ground of the backstage hall.

You soon are met with the stage, the curtain is closed but still doesn't block out the lively atmosphere of the bar on the other side, you slowly walk out towards the center of the stage.
You hear the attendees of the bar slowly quiet down as the curtains are drawn to reveal you front and center.

You give a slow sway from side to side as music starts to seep from an unknown origin, you suddenly spin and your wardrobe changes to a gold and lavender color scheme while a large golden microphone cane appears in your hand.

"When marimba rhythm start to play, dance with me, make me sway~" you coo sweetly to the crowd while you sway your hips.

"Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore, hold me close, sway me more~" you elegantly move like liquid or magic on the stage, something that seems to have everyone entranced.

Well...almost everyone, there is a handsome gent adorned in red sitting at one of the rightmost tables with a scruffy cat man next to him.

"Like a flower bending in the breeze, bend with me, sway with ease~" you make a fluid motion with your arm in an almost beckoning way.

"When you dance you have a way with me, stay with me, sway with me~" you twirl to the sounds and swish around the stage.

"Other dancers may be on the floor- dear but my eyes will see only you, only you have that magic technique, when we sway I go weak~" you get louder and wink to the crowd, completely mesmerizing the crowd before you.
All except that red deer to the right, it almost made you want to scowl... But it interested you more than angered you.

"I can hear the sounds of violins long before it begins, make me thrill as only you know how, sway me smooth- sway me now~" you slowly make your way to the edge of the stage and lift your hand.

"Other dancers may be on the floor, dear but my eyes will see only you~" you slowly point and then make a beckoning motion with your finger, you are looking directly at the deer gentleman.
He tilts his head and points to himself, you nod slowly.

"Only you have that magic technique, when we sway I go weak~" he stands and you nod, you turn your back towards the crowd and snap your fingers before swinging back towards them, the red gent suddenly appears with his hand in yours.
He appears confused and frazzled, you continue to dance but this time with him.

"I can hear the sound of violins long before it begins, make me thrill as only you know how, sway me smooth- sway me now~" before you know it he's dancing to the beat with you.
Suddenly he poofs a cane into existence, with a microphone similar to yours.

"When marimba rhythm start to play, dance with me, make me sway~" the two of you now sing together, the sound of his voice is odd and filtered- similar to a radio.

"Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore, hold me close, sway me more~" you lean your back against his chest with a dramatic pose, your eyes closed.

"Like a flower bending in the breeze, bend with me, sway with ease~" he spins you and dips you, you dance with him smoothly almost as if you had practiced together for a long time.

"When you dance you have a way with me, stay with me, sway with me~" the two of you pull close together and then part dramatically.

"When marimbas start to play, hold me close, make me sway~" you slide back towards each other and lock arms.

"Like an ocean hugs the shore, hold me close, sway me more~" your voice is loud and resonates through the bar.

"Like a flower bending in the breeze, bend with me, sway with ease~" you simmer down slightly and close your eyes.

"When we dance you have a way with me, stay with me, sway with me~" the song comes to a close and you take a bow with the red gentleman, arms still linked together.

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