014; Mistakes

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🎧 Song of the chapter 🎧
PretendAlex G
'Im gonna crack a rib,'
'When I get home I'm gonna bury you'


Your POV!!: (Your entrance exam!)

I sat in a new room awaiting a familiar arrival, as I heard the lock click I sighed.

Dazai enters the apartment.

'Morning Y/N! How's my favourite former executive?' He smiles at me.

'Just because I am on your side now, don't think I will forget the pain you put me through Osamu Dazai.' I furrow my brows as I say this.

'Awh.. geez, why do you have to be so boring! Liven up Y/N!' He pouts and sits next to me.

Deep down I know he is the same man I loved but he just up and left me to suffer. I didn't want anything to do with him until he found his way back into my life.

'Y/N, there will be a meeting with the President of the Armed Detective Agency and a representative.' Mori says through the phone.

'So I am excused from my work today?' I ask confused.

'Yes, I want you there as my representative, for our side of course.'

'What even is the agenda of the meeting?' I ask so confused as to why he was overloading me with information.

'They just asked to meet. They don't explain why until they're here.' he groans.

I hang up and change into a white button down, grey waistcoat, belt, black dress pants and red converse's. I make my way up the stairs my h/c hair sitting there somewhat flawlessly.

As I enter the office I hear a guard give clearance to two unfamiliar people.

I sit at the table next to Mori.

The two men enter, a middle aged man, with grey hair and light blue eyes and a young man, no older than myself with chestnut hair and even darker eyes, who gave off a familiar prescense.

'Oh, Mori I didn't know you had a guest!' The younger man chimes, sitting on the other side of the table.

'Yes, yes. He's here as a second opinion perse.' Mori smiles and rests a gloved hand on my shoulder. He nudges me under the table as for me to introduce myself.

I pause momentarily before speaking. 'I'm Y/N.. I will be watching you both closely and learning more about you than what you even know.' I stop and Mori chuckles.

'Y/N is very detail oriented.. He knows so much more than what's good for him!' Mori ruffled my hair and looks me dead in the eye with disgust as if for only a split second before he looks back towards the men.

'Anyways.. Let's start this meeting shall we? Fukuzawa and Dazai.' Mori smiles at them.

My eyes widen with shock, I freeze completely. Did he just say Dazai? As in Osamu Dazai? My once best friend in the whole wide world? The Dazai who was once feared by all? The Dazai who would constantly cling on to me? The Dazai who just up and left the mafia without a word?

A thousand thoughts rushed through my head at that exact moment.

I analyse Dazai's features and undeniably it is him. I keep a neutral expression as the meeting continues before hearing a question that made my heart drop.

'We are looking to ask for a member of your organisation to aid us in keeping you up and running by keeping you at bay.' Fukuzawa adds. 'Have you anyone in mind?'

Mori bursts out laughing.

'You almost got me!' he writhes in his seat. I stand and grab files he had asked me to grab at that exact moment in the meeting. He reads over them and stares at me. They're the wrong ones.

After the meeting Mori asks me to stay inside his office. He slaps me across the face. My eyes well with tears.

'I asked for the files on the current agency members! Not those of our executives! I looked like a fool due to your mishaps!' he grabs a bunch of my hair and pulls my head up to look at him, I groan in pain.

'Why the fuck cant you do anything right?! You worthless piece of shit! The only reason I looked after you and "cared" about you was to make you able to have a purpose in life! Everything I've done is for you!' he yells at me.

'Yet you still get distracted by your feelings and petty emotions!' he tightens his grip on my hair, before releasing me.

'You know what. Just get the fuck out. I don't need to waste my time on punishing you.' he frowns and walks away from me.

I scramble out the door and run outside the building, looking desperstely before running in a random direction. I grasp my shirt and start crying midway down a street. I sink down sniffling and put a cigarette between my lips, I fumble for a lighter before lighting it.

After a drag I notice someone sink down beside me.

'I knew you'd be here.' I hear Dazai's voice.

I turn to him.

'Leave me alone. I fucking hate you. I despise you with my whole being.' I turn away from him, he grabs my chin and makes me face him.

'I'm sorry.' he frowns and looks genuinely sorry.

I turn to him grab his collar and punch him in the mouth. He allows himself to lay there as I make my way on top of him and punch him in the right eye. I go for a third punch before he smiles sadly.

'Y/N, I know I hurt you. I'm sorry, just know that you can punch me, kick me, hate me, hurt me, cut me, kiss me, fuck me, do whatever the fuck you want because I want you to forgive me and I want us to be the same as we were. You could even join the agency with me.'

And that's how I ended up applying for the armed detective agency.


Grief in the Stereo| Dazai X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now