018; Boys don't cry.

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER- boys don't cry- the cure

Your POV!

Another gruesome sight since I started working with the armed detective agency, a headless woman, a hole in her stomach and the corpse infested with bugs. The stench was putrid.

I plug my nose.

'Shit this is disgusting.' I turn to my partner.

'Well how are we going to write this one?' Dazai asks almost exact wely when I thought it.

'Shes been dead for around a month, we were hired to keep an eye on her.. So it's clearly someone with illusive ability that's done it.' I state.

'Like Junichirou's?' Dazai asks.

'Almost exactly.' I look at Dazai.

'Photoshoot!' he pulls out his phone and takes pictures of the corpse before sending them to me.

'Ew! I don't want those photos..!' I whine.

A voice rang through my head.

'Y/n, if you believe this is gruesome, and you want to vomit.. get used to it.'

I shake my head and shudder before sighing and touching the corpse in an attempt to see it's past.

My eyes widen.

A scene: A woman sits on a white couch, in a rather lavish apartment. She pets the black cat next to her, it's yellow eyes shining. The door unlocks to reveal a man holding a machete, he walks towards her. 'Oh honey, my work is so gruesome. I swear I'm going to lose it.. I'm only doing this for us.' the man cries. The woman consoles him 'I know honey.. I know..' The man looks at her accusingly 'No you don't! You know nothing! You lounge around all day!' he points a finger at her as he screams. 'Honey! It's okay! Take a seat.. a breath? A drink? Which would you prefer?' she is met with the machete to her neck, it slices right through and he cries. 'Shouldve shut up.' he then grabs a knife and carves a hole in her stomach, before slitting her wrists and thighs. He grabs the cat and forces its head into an insestine, in an attempt to suffocate it.
'I know I've been bad. Forgive me my lord, forgive me Gwendoline.' he kneels down and starts crying before the replay stops.

'I know who did it.' I sigh.

'Who?' Dazai asks.

I clutch my forehead swaying slightly. I feel Dazai's hands meet my waist.

'Headache?' he asks almost knowingly.

'Yeah.' I reply as my eyes flutter closed.

I wake up with a jolt, clutching my chest tightly. My h/C hair a mess. My breath quickens, I start rocking myself back and forth. It was midnight and I was unsure of my whereabouts. I tried to move but my body wouldn't allow that.

I wanted to scream. To shout. To ask for help. I wanted to run as far as I can and get away from wherever I was.

I feel something wet my cheek. I reach up and wipe it. My eyes start overflowing with tears and I felt helpless.

I'm sorry.

I hear a door open before arms meet my waist, and a hand reaches towards my face, wiping my tears.

'I..' I start before I was interrupted.

'Y/n.. shh.. it's okay..' the voice was familiar.. Dazai?

'Dazai..?' I ask.

'Mhm..' he replies.

We sit there for a while. He consoles me as I let it all out.

How weak am I?

The next day, I walk the streets with my head low, only just being able to see infront of me. I see a figure. SHIT!

The figure approaches.

'Y/n.' the figure speaks.

'Mori' I spit through grit teeth.

'No need to be so angry. I'm not upset at you for leaving!' he replies.

'Dazai blackmailed you.. didn't he?' I accuse.

'I won't lie to you.. he did.. but I didn't mind you leaving at all! Sure you're strong.. just not that useful..' he raises a hand to his chin pondering.

'Shut it.' I command.

'Or what..?' he asks.

'I will reveal to everyone that you- mmph!' he covers my mouth with his hand.

'Okay! I'll be quiet..!' he steps back.

'Fine then. See you!' I walk past him with a grin.

yayayayayaya new chapter!


Grief in the Stereo| Dazai X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now