016; Forgiveness

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QUESTION: Do you guys actually enjoy the song of the chapter? I can just put a song in the a/n for those who want it. :)

Your POV;

I sit on a couch in the breakroom holding a magazine and fanning myself.

I groan.

'its too hot!!' I frown clearly sweltering in the heat.

Dazai stands over me, leaning slightly.

'Tupitsa. Don't you dare be weird.' I point a finger at him and slow my breathing.

'Awuh! My sweet boy~ don't make my heart ache like this~!' he acts all dramatic and I stand up, he takes a step back as I throw a swing towards his shoulder.

'I told you to not be weird. That was a warning punch. Next time I will shackle you down inside my closet, forcing your wrists to bleed and for you to feel pain until you inevitably die within two weeks.' I smile at him and he grabs my shoulders.

'That made you sound so hot..' he smiles at me, I punch him in the shoulder again.

'I guess I should have prepared myself for such behaviour, especially from the devil with a crush~' I tease him back he stares at me accusingly.

'How dare you assume such things~! You really do hurt me Y/N!' he pauses before speaking in a sinister tone 'dont you know deals with the devil get you burned..? You silly boy.' he smirks at me and leans away.

I smile at him before turning around and walking towards the window and creating a mental map.

'Okay! I'm taking my break!' I announce through the office as I leave and walk downstairs.


I walk into an unfamiliar alleyway and pull out a cigarette, placing it between my lips and lighting it before fumbling in my pocket for three tablets. I look them over. A yellow and red capsule split through the middle, a purple circular shaped one and a white one.

I hold them in my hand before roaming the street until I found a convenience store, I enter and purchases water bottle. I walk towards the alleyway and take the meds.

Everyone at the agency was so fucked up and twisted in their own way that when they saw someone else with the same behaviour they instantly bonded. But with myself I found it quite hard. Especially when the only person I can confide in is a certain brown haired, chestnut eyed escapee from the ancient egyptian exhibit at the museum.

We had our fingers intertwined as we sat on the couch.

'You both better do your fucking work or I swear—' Kunikida stomps into the room, rubbing his temple.

'Nah.. I don't think so!' Dazai smirked at Kunikida.

'Maybe tomorrow.. I'm too bored! Plus it's boiling.. When are we getting that aircon you promised?' I ask him interrogation style.

'I.. the budgets tight.' Kunikida sighs.

'Whatever floats your boat..' I mutter.

Ranpo wheels himself over on his chair and hands me a pineapple lollipop, which were the ones he didn't like, but I didn't mind since they tasted nothing like pineapples.

I look at the already unwrapped lollipop and put it in my mouth, as Ranpo basically flies back across the office.

I lay in my apartment on my bed (it's a generic bed get used to it!) before I hear my lock click. I sit up and move my hand to my nightstand and grab a knife. I stay in my bed with my hands under the sheets.

As the figure grows closer I can start to make out who it is.

'Y/nnn!~' he coos and I realise it's Dazai.

'I was so close to stabbing you.' I sigh.

'Chill.. I just wanted to watch tv!' He whines.

'Why can't you do that in your apartment?' I ask suspiciously.

'Because Kunikida figured out how to change the password on his Netflix account.'

'What do you wanna watch?' I sigh admitting defeat.

'Heartbreak High.' (if you don't like/know what this is you can change the name to one of your favourite shows 💕)

We sat on the couch watching Heartbreak High. As season two finally came to an end I sighed.

'Cant believe it. You forced me to binge the current last three episodes of heartbreak high. Well there's three hours of my life I'll never get back.' I muttered.

'Well how about a good old fashioned lovers suicide!' he chimes and I push him away.

'You can go and spread your fear of not wanting to die alone on someone else!' I grinned.

I then, without hesitation, put on Yuri on Ice, and I'm not sure if it was the demon on my shoulder, impulse, or just the mood, but I kissed him, well I am kissing him..

'Fuck.' I thought.

He was shocked before kissing back and wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me close.

I pull away. My face looking utterly devoid of emotion.

'Shit.. sorry..' Dazai moves himself away.




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