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Because of the fact that it is May 5th.. I shall post a chapter in Atsushi's birthday honour! (For me it is May 5th btw)

Your POV!

Atsushi's birthday. It was.. Atsushi's birthday. Shit!

I jolt up from my bed, Dazai's eyes shooting open.

'Whats wrong?' The brunette asked.

'Its.. May.. fifth.' I look at him.

'Oh? Atsushi's birthday..'

'I need to go greet him!' I panic and try to pull away from Dazai's hand, which was put around my waist.

'We're all having lunch later anyway.. plus it's three in the morning. Go back to bed.' with a yawn from Dazai, I sink back down, resting my head against his chest.

'beep beep bee—' I smack my phone.

'Up we get!' I get up out of bed enthusiastically.

Dazai stretches and gets up.

I change into a black button down, white waistcoat, semi fingerless gloves, with the middle and 'ring' finger being the only fingerless parts, rings, a belt with a chain, black cargo pants and red converse's (I LOVE CONVERSE'S.. PLUS YOURS ARE HIGH TOP!.. OKAY?)

Dazai stood there in a my chemical romance graphic tee (shirt), belt, skinny jeans and black chucks (basically regular shoes but converse's) his hair was messily placed and he looks as if he put no effort into getting ready.

I approach him and pull out an eyeliner pen and draw him basic eyeliner.

'Awuh.. thanks sweetheart...' he kisses my forehead and wraps his hands around my waist.

He then let's go and walks to the drink fridge where he grabs two monsters, f/f (favourite flavour, if you don't like monsters just pretend it's ur fav energy drink 💕) and the generic one for himself.

While walking I unconsciously blabber something out.

'Once I turned up to my office with two monsters and I drank them both throughout the day and got sick (TRUE STORY FROM ME!!) but, it was that generic one that did it to me' I pause and motion to his monster. 'But, that was while I was supposed to be recovering from a— nevermind.'

'A what?' Dazai wonders aloud.

'Nothing! It's fine! We have to focus on Atsushi! Not me.' I say before reaching into my pocket to make sure the tiny gift box was still in there.

Dazai and I arrive in the agency hand in hand.

'Atsushi!' I rush over to him before handing him the gift. 'Happy birthday!!' I pull him into a quick hug, as he opens the box and finds a sun ring and necklace.

'O-oh thank you Y/n! Thank you Dazai!' Atsushi's face is flushed.

'I chose it out, Dazai forgot your birthday.' I smile at Atsushi and pat his cheek before turning away grinning.

Flashback to March 1.

'Happy birthday Ryu!' I hand Akutagawa a small box and he opens it, inside a moon ring and necklace.

'Thank you Y/n-sensei.' he smiles at me before turning to the green tea Higuchi was holding out for him.

'Drop the honorifics! I feel insulted!' I whine and latch onto the nearest person, sadly, for him, being Chuuya.

'Hey! Get off of me!' he tries to pry me off, but when that fails he just allows it to happen.


'Y/n.. what did you do?' Dazai asks.

'Oh.. you know.. nothing!'


'I secretly forced Akutagawa and Atsushi to be the moon and the sun..' I look like a sad puppy.

'I mean we all know.. deep down.. but you can't force it on them to be all public about it.'

I frown. He was right.

'Still not telling them!' I smirk and turn before running over to Ranpo and Yosano and telling them of my deed.

I just wanted to get something out for my tiger baby's birthday :/ I LOVE HIM!! Plus I made a cake for him! Yummy!

Grief in the Stereo| Dazai X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now