Crisis existential

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Who are you?"
Those were the first words that came out of Henry's mouth as soon as he opened his eyes and looked around. Those that followed only worried the quartet of young superheroes even more, who exchanged bewildered glances between them.
"Why do they wear like that?" He looked at their outfits and masks. Why are they wearing masks?" He looked around. Where am I? Who am I?
" Don't worry, sometimes I also forget who I am," Cerebro said, trying to reassure him. But it goes by when I use my power to throw lightning and I remember that I'm Chapa.
"You're Bose," Miles corrected it, then pointed to one of the girls. She is Chapa.
Bose's face was contorted in bewilderment.
"Since when?"
"Since always," Chapa replied.
"I think we have something more important to discuss now," Mika intervened, pointing his head at Henry.
The young man was watching them with suspicion and suspicion, surprised by their suits.
Noticing his discomfort and imagining what the problem could be, Mika softened his expression and knelt next to him.
"What's the last thing you remember?" he asked softly.
Henry frowned, looking away thoughtfully. He squint his brain, trying to remember something, anything, but he didn't find anything. His eyebrows came together with confusion and he shook his head, his skin suddenly turned pale.
" Nothing," he whispered bewildered and terrified.
Then he looked up at the young men around him in those rare clothes and masks. I couldn't remember who it was but I could feel something. It was as if deep down I knew that I had to know who they were, I felt affection for them, like the affection you have for some little brothers, but I didn't know why or how it had happened. They were definitely not his brothers.
"Who am I?" he repeated, looking at each of the teenagers for an answer. Who are they? What do we do..." he looked around realizing that they were at the top of a building in some city - up here at night?
They looked unsure of what to do or how to respond to him, so Miles decided to take action on the matter.
"Relax, my friend. I am Miles, better known as Absente," he explained, making a gesture to himself, and then waved a hand towards the boys around him, who looked at him with interest and concern. And those are Bose, Cerebro, Chapa, Rayo and my sister Mika, Grito, we are superheroes like you and Captain Man. You were hit by a shock wave. You didn't have time to use your strength shield because it was weakened and you ended up being pushed here, and...
He tried to follow the thread of what the boy, Miles, was kindly explaining to him, and some words echoed more than others in his mind, such as "superheroes" and "Captain Man" together in the same sentence, he knew that it was something he should be able to understand and accept, and he felt a momentary sting in the middle of his eyes as he strove to make sense of what they were saying.
"Miles, stop, you're overwhelming him," the young woman, Mika, if she hadn't misunderstood, interrupted Miles before he could continue explaining.
The boy stopped and a look at the young man let him know that he was no longer paying attention to him. Henry was sitting but bowing forward, with his hands on his head and looking at the floor, eyes tightly closed and a grimace as if he had a headache.
Mika placed a hand on his back, gently and cautiously so as not to frighten or startle him in his already erratic state, and spoke to him slowly.
"Don't try to force your memory, it will only cause you more pain," he advised.
Henry exhaled tremblingly but listened to the young woman and no longer tried to force his brain to bring him memories that contained the words that resonated the most in his mind. That only sharpened his already unbearable headache.
He lowered his hands and looked up, giving the girl a weak and grateful smile, and looked her in the eyes. They had a glow of intelligence that made her feel as if she reminded her of someone she should remember.
"Hey, let's wait for Schwoz and Ray, so they're in charge of finding out what's going on with Henry," Chapa suggested.
"The blow he suffered caused him amnesia," Mika clarified.
The children turned their attention to him again.
"Is that my name?"
"Mika is right," Chapa said, giving the biggest one a look of pity.
"Yes, your name is Henry Hart," Mika explained.
He nodded. But from his expression it was clear that he still didn't remember that either.
"Miles, contact Ray and Schwoz to see where they are and warn them about the situation," Grito decided. I'll try to take care of the wound you have on your head, okay?
He said the latter by addressing him, Henry. He took a hand to the area on his head where he felt the most pain and when he retracted his fingers, he found them stained with blood. He got a little scared about that but the kind girl placed her hands on his shoulders, preventing him from shaking them from the impression.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of cleaning and bandaging," he assured him with a kind smile.
For reasons unknown to him, he didn't feel that trusting her was a mistake so he didn't object. His way of being, diligent, kind and competent reminded him of someone else. I would like to know who.
As he promised, Mika took bandages and disinfectant out of his belt and delicately and accurately cleaned the wound. It wasn't a very deep cut and it had already stopped bleeding. He only sold his head as a precaution.
Henry tried to find out more about his life but the girl could only answer a couple of simple questions without the headache assaulting him, finding out that he was a superhero also capable of creating a shield of force around him, who was in Swellview because they had requested his help but that he lived in another city. So he remained silent, thoughtful, watching the group of young people interact. Superheroes, that explained their outfits, and although the idea that they existed was strange, he didn't feel that it was completely crazy. He accepted it as the truth after verifying that, although he had no memories, what he felt and his emotions were enough for him to know if they lied to him or not, it was as if just seeing faces and hearing voices even if he did not recognize them was enough for him to know what he felt for those people and treat them according to their perceptions.
The silence of the night was broken by the sound of propellers approaching, and when he looked up at the sky to look for the fountain, he noticed a helicopter approaching the building in which they were.
"Don't worry, they are friends," said the young woman, Mika, remembered.
Miles had wanted to transport him with his power, but she had not believed that that was advisable, it could well worsen his situation, in addition to the fact that he was already upset enough to add stress.
He helped him stand up because he feared that the blow could cause him dizziness or other inconveniences but he assured him that he was fine, just stunned and bewildered.
The helicopter landed on the roof of the building and an adult man came down from it, wearing a blue and red suit with boots and a mask. Another superhero, his mind contributed.
The man quickly approached them and passed between the young men, ignoring them, in his direction,
Taking him by surprise when he placed his hands on his shoulders and shook him desperately when he saw the blindfold on his head.
-Henry! How are you? How do you feel?
Henry blinked bewildered, unable to answer the stranger's questions because he asked them one after another.
He didn't know who he was, his superhero name or his real identity. But although I was being a little dramatic and annoying, I felt respect for that man and a certain family affection. It was as if he were a slightly crazy and immature guy.
"Ray, Henry suffered a blow to the head, don't upset him!" the young woman challenged him.
"In addition to having amnesia, he must be wondering why a crazy guy in his pajamas is shaking him," Chapa said.
Ray widened his eyes, more worried if it was possible.
"Amnesia?!" he exclaimed.
"We told you on the phone," Miles said.
"I don't remember.
Bose gasped suddenly,
"Oh no! Amnesia is becoming contagious! "Quick, everyone put on gas masks!" he shrieked desperately.
"We don't have gas masks," Chapa said.
"We're lost!" he exclaimed, raising his arms to the sky.
"Stop wasting your time!" Mika intervened. Schwoz, Henry doesn't remember anything about him or his life, it may be a temporary amnesia but we should take him to the Nest to check that it is nothing serious.
"Hey, I'm the boss, so I give the orders," Ray protested, then went to Schwoz. Schwoz, let's take Henry to Capi Nido to check that he doesn't have anything serious.
"That's the same thing I said!" Mika complained.
But no one came out in her support and the girl snorted offended and annoyed while the inventor only nodded to the words of the other adult. Ray, for his part, turned his attention to Henry, who looked at him apprehensively.
"Don't you really remember me?" "To your best friend?" he asked sadly. After all the adventures we had together?
Henry grimaced in guilt, feeling sad for him.
"I'm sorry, I'd like to remember, really, but I can't even bring the names of my own parents afloat, not even images of them," he lamented.
"I can help you with that," Ray offered, "I have a lot of photos of your mother.
Henry frowned. I felt that he must have been upset but at the same time as if that shouldn't surprise him anymore.
Why do you keep pictures of my mother?"
Ray let him go and took a step back, looking the other way distracted.
Mika sighed tired.
"Let's go, let's go, okay?"
As they could, the whole team got on the helicopter and made the trip to Capi Nido, the whole trip Henry was silent, observing the landscape that could be seen from there. The image of that city seen from above brought him feelings of nostalgia.
The rest was talking the whole trip, Mika trying to make Bose reason that amnesia was not contagious and that he was not going to forget to breathe because he was in the same space as Henry, and Ray avoiding making eye contact with his former pupil because Henry had questioned him again about his mother's photos.
Once they arrived at the famous Capi Nido, the team's operations headquarters, Henry entered the place with the rest, walking slowly and looking curiously around, admiring everything. I had the feeling of having been, not only in that place, but also in a very similar one but that just thinking about it began to tremble as if it were a painful and terrifying memory.
He shook his head and decided to put that aside.
Schwoz - a short foreign man from
Strange but very intelligent accent - he took him to a secluded room to do some quick studies, explaining that it was to be sure that there was no other complication other than his amnesia. He agreed to go, but accompanied by Mika, the sweet and competent young woman who gave him more confidence until that moment.
He remained silent, letting Schwoz work in peace of mind, they even did quick studies of his brain but everything went normal. There were no other wounds other than the blow to his head and a few bruises from the fall that would fade as the days went by.
When they were in the middle of that, Ray entered the room, already out of his colorful suit, and his friend didn't even recognize him. Ray sighed frustrated and annoyed but he composed quickly.
"I tried to call his sister but there was no answer, his parents are not in the city and they will not be in a few weeks, I could get in touch with Jasper." Ray grimaced in displeasure at that name but Henry knew that it was not something that should really bother him - and I told him to tell Charlotte to come immediately, he is already on his way.
"Charlotte," Henry whispered to himself.
That name provoked something inside him, like a pleasant tingling that he could not identify. It was a woman's name, a very important woman for him, he could be sure of that. Would it be his girlfriend? She couldn't be a relative because from what she had heard, they had ruled out her family, so it had to be that. But I was amnestic, I couldn't assure anything.
"Why didn't you tell him to come too?" Mika asked.
"Because I don't like Jasper.
"Who is Jasper?" he asked, remembering the other name he heard.
"He's your best friend," Mika replied.
Henry nodded. Thinking about Jasper brought him feelings of camaraderie and fraternal affection. So if Jasper was his best friend and he felt that but for Charlotte he felt different things... Charlotte had to be something else...
Schwoz finished the tests and decided that Henry was physically well, there was only the problem of his memory loss, but he had told them that he would surely recover memories as time went by. Ray didn't hesitate and let him stay in a room in the Nest, which Henry accepted because he didn't even know how the hell he was going to return home if he didn't know where that place was to start with.
So he spent the rest of the night there, in one of the beds, looking at the dark ceiling, trying to remember something, no matter how small or useless it was, but he could not get any results.
It was frustrating that everyone knew things about him except him, he felt as if his life was exposed to strangers. All he achieved trying to force his memory was a terrible headache that made his mood worse.
After several hours, he decided to follow Mika's instructions and stop forcing his mind, choosing to try to sleep, he needed to rest although he didn't want it.

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