Understandable Misunderstandings

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His attempts to sleep were unsuccessful and the sunrise found him getting up even before the sunlight entered through the small window of the room, since there was no point in lying down without doing anything but thinking about his situation. He had something light for breakfast and then decided to sit on the floor in front of the large window only in sleeping pants and socks, observing what could be seen beyond, the view of the city from that point was very beautiful and brought him feelings of nostalgia that he liked.
The noise of the tubes took him out of his self-absorption and he got up to see who was coming, and he felt his mouth dry when he saw what his brain told him that the one who crossed the threshold must be the most beautiful woman in the world.
She was a young woman, who appeared to be the same age, dark-skinned, with wild purple curls falling loose and large and beautiful brown eyes. He was wearing black boots, tight jeans and a red sleeveless t-shirt with a camouflage vest.
"Charlotte," she exhaled without thinking about it.
She really didn't have to wait for a statement, she could already say from the way her heart suddenly accelerated in her chest in her presence, that she was the Charlotte she had heard of. La
That he had been able to ignite a spark of recognition in his mind.
She stopped and looked at him carefully, she looked worried but when she heard him say his name, the relief flooded her beautiful face.
"Do you remember me?" They told me you didn't remember anything," she said smiling.
His voice was sweet and soft, his smile bright and he decided that he had never seen anything more wonderful.
"No... not really," he replied sincerely.
His face fell disappointed and he felt angry with himself for having crushed his hopes like this. His eyes They lost the shine and her smile faded and suddenly the only thing in her mind was the overwhelming desire to wrap her in her arms and assure her that everything was fine.
"Don't worry, there's no reason to worry so much," he said to comfort her, approaching her cautiously.
She did not flee from her closeness nor did she refuse her touch when she hugged her and squeezed her against her chest. Charlotte hugged him too, relaxing against him.
"Schwoz says that it's probably only temporary," he said.
"And how did you recognize me?" Did the boys tell you?
"No," he replied honestly.
After a minute of pleasant contact, she separated from him gently but without letting go and looked him in the face.
Well, Charlotte was rather looking at the bandage that ran through her head. He raised a hand and touched the area.
What about this?
"Because of the wound I received on my head, one of the girls, Mika?" She took care of me.
"He did a good job," the girl observed.
"She is very competent, and kind and sweet, and very smart... she reminds me of you.
Charlotte laughed.
"If you just admitted that you don't really remember me, how can she?
Remind you of me? "How did you guess my name?" said her friend.
Henry shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't know how or why it happens but... It's like some things alone... I know them... - he revealed insecure.
She tilted her head, confused.
"Can you try to explain it better?"
"It's as if I don't remember images but feelings," he replied. When I woke up and saw the children, I knew that I loved them like little brothers, or that guy, Ray, like an uncle or older brother... so I knew I could trust them..." he looked her in the eyes smiling. So I knew you had to be Charlotte.
Charlotte stared at him, thinking about his explanation. So I didn't remember but I did feel. That would help his recovery. He should talk to Schwoz to together look for some therapy to help him, they could not risk taking him to a hospital and that they inadvertently exposed his identity.
Henry was embarrassed looking at the young woman's face. I was thinking deeply about something, I recognized that expression, even if it felt like the first time I saw it. He continued to inspect his face at his discretion, trying to detect more expressions or traits that will trigger some memory, but when he looked at his lips, he was unable to take his eyes off them.
She would like to be able to remember how they felt, because I should have kissed her,
Because he couldn't perceive any other conclusion than: Charlotte must have been his partner.
That explained why he was so attracted to her, because he found her so attractive. Because I felt a love for her that didn't correspond to the one you have for a friend. Because I wanted so much to be able to taste his lips.
He couldn't stand it anymore and leaned over to kiss her, taking her by surprise if he let himself be guided by the gasp he cushioned with his mouth. He was soft and tender at first, but before he knew it he had placed one of his hands behind the back of his neck and closed his fingers and put the other on his lower back, squeezing it harder against him.
Charlotte felt so confused with her sudden action that for a few moments after exclaiming in surprise, her
Brain shorted and could not help but close his eyes, but when he felt him trying to deepen the kiss, he let go of his arms and placed his hands on his chest with the intention of pushing it away because this was wrong, he did not see her like that, he had never done it, but he did not give him time because he squeezed his grip and the feeling of his naked and warm skin against the palms of his hands added to the hand that sneaked under his shirt and landed on his lower back sending a current through his body that stuned her.
"How come they didn't tell me they're boyfriends?!
Schwoz's indignant voice forced them to separate. Henry reluctantly did it, but Charlotte with stun.
When looking at where the voice came from,
They found Schwoz standing a few meters away, the little he had of hair held in rollers, in slippers, his hands on his waist and watching them offended.
"I'm the first one who realized that they were going to end up together and they didn't intend to tell me first!"
"What is all this fuss?" he asked.
Ray, appearing there too.
Schwoz stopped the string of curses in his native language to respond.
"Can you believe I found them kissing?!" the inventor accused them.
The other adult sent them a surprised look. And there he noticed that she was still with her hands on her bare chest and he was still holding her by the neck and waist,
With a hidden hand under his shirt.
And that they both looked agitated. He grimaced.
"I know it must have been great to see each other after so many days apart, but
Henry, you could have waited to take her to your room at least.
Before either of them could protest something to his words or feel embarrassed, Ray noticed something.
"Moment... How could you know that she is your girlfriend if you don't remember anyone? Suddenly, a smile adorned her face.
Did you start to remember?! Do you remember me now?
That turned Charlotte on and she separated from Henry, taking several steps away from him,
Confused and overwhelmed.
"Wow, wow, wow, let's not start drawing conclusions," the girl said.
"What are you talking about?" Henry asked.
She looked at her friend, whose face showed how bewildered he was. And she felt a sting of pain and pity because she understood at that moment that it was what had happened. Henry had confused feelings. Of course, she was her best friend, she loved her, everyone knew it, their relationship was special. He had told her that he remembered what he felt for people, he surely felt a great affection for her and he had believed that they were a couple.
Charlotte took a breath and tried to calm down. It was not Henry's fault, no one had explained anything to him about his life, he had been assembling the puzzle of his memories on his own but it was as if he were assembling it with the pieces upside down, preventing him from seeing if the image matched.
"Henry, do you know who I am?" I'm not referring to my name, but to What am I for you?
Henry watched her, analyzing how he felt about her, and for him there could only be an obvious explanation.
"You're my girlfriend, aren't you?" he replied with a big smile.
Charlotte felt how her whole body increased the temperature due to the shame she felt for that statement, and babbled inconsistencies before stopping to speak clearly and clear the cloud of confusion from her head.
"No... Henry, of course not.
The disappointment that Henry felt was momentary and quickly replaced by more confusion because what else could this girl be? He knew perfectly well how he felt about her.
"Well, you don't have a ring, and neither do I," he added, looking at his naked hand. So you can't be my wife.
Ray laughed at his friend's words, but he held her back when she sent him an icy look indicating that she didn't find any of that funny.
She was rather surprised by the conclusion she had reached. He was still committed to the idea that they were more than friends. I accepted it as an obvious fact. I had to clarify things as soon as possible.
"No, Henry," he began, slowly and with a soft tone so as not to hurt him. You and I are only best friends, the best best friends.
She offered him a crooked smile, unsure of how he was going to react because he narrowed his eyes in confusion and reflection a few moments after hearing his answer. Then he hardened his features in disbelief.
"That doesn't make sense," he said for sure.
"What are you talking about?" What doesn't make sense?
"That you are my friend," Henry replied.
She narrowed her eyes, disoriented.
"Because I am very sure of what I feel, and what I feel for you when I look into your eyes is not what I would feel for a friend," he revealed.
Someone gasped in the room, and a brief look allowed him to see that it was Schwoz, who together with Ray had devoted themselves to observing the matter unfold as if it were a soap opera.
Her words froze her as if to send a look at Schwoz as well. His features were serious, showing him that he was being honest. He wasn't lying to her. I wasn't joking. I really thought I was in love with her. She could only look at him in an amazing silence, speechless like a fish out of the water, unable to say anything. Then he shook his head and blinked as if he had woken up from a dream and looked at him again.
"No Henry, that's impossible, you're not... I don't, we don't..." he stammered, gesticulating awkwardly with his hands, then he exhaled and looked at him, lowered his eyelashes. You don't see me like that, you're wrong.
"I'm not.
"Yes, you are, you don't see me that way.
"Why not?" Henry asked.
"Because no, just not," Charlotte repeated, shaking her head frantically.
That answer did not satisfy him and he insisted.
"I don't understand, you're beautiful, intelligent, sweet and competent. Why do you think it's impossible for us to be together? Why can't you accept that I love you?
Her intention was not to be abrupt or insensitive, she didn't want to hurt her, but she realized late that her tone had gone too high and that her choice of words had not been the best. Saying that I loved her did nothing but scare her. And that was strange. Why would he scare her if he told her that he loved her? Had I never told him before? On second thought, that statement felt more like a confession, and he even felt that his chest was freed from an oppressive weight now that he had already revealed what he felt.
However, his confession, far from calming his nerves, only worsened his state of agitation. Charlotte felt the room close around her, the air became too dense to pass through her nostrils and she felt that she was drowning with a lump in her throat that did not allow any sound to come out. Suddenly, too overwhelmed, she felt that she needed to get out of there immediately, so without saying words she turned around and walked with quick steps towards the tubes.
Guilt immediately assaulted the young man and wanted to go after her, but Ray held him by the arm and stopped him. Henry struggled to free himself, the more time passed, the more the most important woman of his life moved away, but Ray did not stop.
"Let me go, I have to catch up with her," Henry growled.
"Now what I would least recommend is chasing her," Ray said, refusing to let him go. He needs time alone to calm down.
"But I want to apologize for hurting her.
"You'll do it when I get back," Ray pulled his friend's arm.
Henry stopped struggling when it became clear that he couldn't get rid of Ray so easily - apparently he didn't remember how to use his power, or that he had it. He just sighed saddened and with his head down.
"Are you sure he'll come back?"
Ray softened his countenance and let go of his arm to pat his back in comfort and give him a smile of encouragement.
"This is not the first fight they have, and I'm sure it won't be the last, but she loves you and won't be able to be upset with you forever, except if you're in this condition.
Ray's words reassured him, but still, there was an issue that still worried him.
"If you love me... Why did she go out terrified when I told her that I love her? "Why does he say that we are only friends when what I feel is something else?" he asked, raising his eyes with a confused and dejected look aimed at the man.
Ray exhaled sadly and passed an arm over his shoulders to his discouraged friend.
"Kid, follow me, we have a lot to clarify and explain to you.

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