A New Beginning

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He opened his eyes slowly, placing his blurred gaze on the wall of the room that was illuminated by the dim light of a lamp next to the bed. I could feel a strong arm surrounding her by her middle section, holding her firmly, pressing her against a body behind her. He could hear someone's soft breathing, a head resting above his, on the pillow.

The disorientation lasted a few seconds until he remembered the events of the previous day and the reason why he was sleeping in that bed, had been a roller coaster of emotions for everyone.

Yawning, she stretched out her hand to pick up her phone and check the time, it was too early to start the day but since she was awake, she could take advantage and take a hot shower.

She carefully untangled the arm that held her to be able to sit on the edge of the bed. A look at Henry let him know that he was still peacefully asleep. The experiment had left him really exhausted.

She stroked his cheek with the back of her fingers gently tenderly, then picked up his phone, turned around and left.

From the room. I had brought a small bag with some clothes because at first I didn't know how long he was going to stay there.

He took it with her to the bathroom to change.

Meanwhile, in the borrowed room, Henry began to move when his body noticed the lack of heat he had enjoyed throughout the night and slowly opened his eyes. He sat on the bed and looked around, rubbing his eyes momentarily disoriented. His head felt heavy as if he had a hangover but he didn't remember drinking anything the night before. In fact, I didn't remember well how I had ended up in that room...

The door opened and he turned his head in that direction. The image of the young woman with dark skin entering the room was like

A click that brought to his mind a swell of memories that took him by surprise. He bowed forward, bringing his hands to his head by a sudden sting that assaulted him and clenching his teeth from the pain, feeling nauseous.

Charlotte hurried towards him, worried, and knelt in front of him, placing her hands on her arms.

"Henry?" What's going on?

The young man did not answer immediately, but closed his eyes and moaned, and after a minute, he sighed tired but relieved. The pain began to recede and the nausea disappeared.

She rested her elbows on her legs and hid her face in her hands, feeling her friend's rubbing her Arms up and down to reassure him.

After another minute of him moaning softly, she spoke again.

"Henry?" "Do you feel better?" he asked softly.

He lowered his hands and raised his head when he heard her say his name, opening his eyes slowly, frowning at the slight heartbeat he felt pulsating on his head.

"Eh?" he murmured confusedly.

His vision was finally focused and he found himself face to face with a beautiful woman with wet curly hair and the most beautiful pair of eyes he had ever seen. His pretty face was centimeters away from him, he could smell the aroma of the shampoo that

She had used it before, it was something menthol but what mattered to her was that it came from her and made her heart turn and resonate in her head, giving her a sense of stunning by the closeness.

She knew that being so close to her could complicate her already scrambled feelings, but at the same time she couldn't help but enjoy the closeness, the feeling of her hands closing around her biceps, the view of her beautiful face. Now that he looked at her better, she looked worried and scared for him, but why? He frowned, trying to remember... and everything came back to him suddenly.

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