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"𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐨𝐲'𝐬 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧."

February 3 2021

Sofia woke up to the sound of vacuum. She knew it was her mother doing it. She got up and went towards her nightstand where her phone was.

It was about 10:50am. Sofia does homeschooling due to being heavily bullied. It was Saturday so  it was time for a break.

Sofia went downstairs and saw her father and her younger sister probably talking about a video to film. Sofia wasn't really involved with the channel but she does appear in some videos.

Sofia said her greetings and went to the kitchen where she grabbed ceral. Sofia ate it and she went to the living room.

"Sofia!" Jordan yelled.

Sofia got up and went towards her father.


"Today at 2:30 we are gonna flim a video with a kid, want to come?"


Salish starts jumping and hugs her sister. Sofia was caught by surprise but hugged her back.

Sofia went back to the living room where she watched Gossip girl till it was time to get dressed.

Sofia got off the couch and up to her room. Where she opened her closet. She grabbed a black oversized hoodie with leggings white socks and converse. She let her hair down. And left her room. It was gonna be pretty cold but who cares.

Jordan and Salish were at the door waiting for Sofia. Sofia smiled and they all left. They got in the car and drove to Santa Monica Beach. Where they will meet this kid.

Jordan, Salish, and Sofia got out the car. And went towards where they will be filming. Of course it wasn't crowded because it was February but there were a few people there.

Jordan found the kid

"Hey what's up Nidal!"

"This is my brother nidal and my name is Neshan."

Sofia looked up from the hair and moved the strands of hair in her mouth. She smiled before looking back at the sand.

"You ready to shoot?" Jordan said.

Nidal nodded. All 5 of them went towards the water a little more. Jordan and Neshan kept talking for a little bit before it was time to start shooting.

"3...2....1 and shoot." Jordan said.

"Hey guys it's Jordan today my daughter Salish will try to compete with world's youngest flipper. Who will win who will lose stay tuned!" Jordan said doing his intro.

Sofia sat down behind Jordan while they were filming her hair was blowing in her face but she didn't really care.

She felt a warm figure next to her. It was Nidal's older brother Neshan. She was a bit attracted to him. But she hid it.

"Hi, I'm Neshan."


Neshan and Sofia shook hands. For the next 10 minutes they kept talking before Jordan needed Sofia.

"Sofia I need you to be on Salish's team."

"Okay dad."

Sofia was good at Ribbon dancing. She went to the competition as #1 on the voting.

"3....2...1 shoot"

"Hello guys I'm Sofia Matter and I'm gonna be helping Salish."

Salish and Nidal competed against each other in the video but outside they were laughing and splashing water on themselves.

Sofia smiled and watched them before going back to Neshan.

Neshan smiled and they talked for a little more. Once they were done shooting. It was about 5:46. Neshan and Sofia smiled goodbyes. Salish, Jordan, and Sofia all left with a smile on their face.

Four days later Sofia was walking to a coffee cafe when she bumped into a family and knocked her keys and her sunglasses off her head.

"Oh s*it I'm sorry." Sofia said smiling. She picked up her Keys and sunglasses. She got up and saw Nidal and smiled before looking over and seeing Neshan and smiling to. She waved and left.

"oooo who's that she's pretty." Neshan's sister.

"Oh shut up Jehan." Neshan said.

Over the course of a few days Sofia would laugh in the cafe while Neshan would miss Sofia. He thought she was really pretty and wanted to know more about her.

About two months later Sofia and Neshan started hanging out they went out together. And Neshan fell in love. On July 12 2021 they kissed and started dating.

A/N: hello guys my name is Yana. This is on my fake acc which is why it says William instead of my name!


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