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YouTube channel name: @Sofias world
Display name: @Sofia
Bio: hello guys thank you so much for 5.5M subscribers! Watch my videos for entrainment.

"Hey guys it's me Sofia."

"And today we are gonna be telling you guys my sad backstory."

"Sofia has had a hard time talking about this." Neshan said.

"Yeah so I finally stepped and decided to tell everyone." 

"So here we go."

"In 2015.. yeah I think it was 2015."

"I asked my teacher to go the restroom, she said yes."

"At the time I was walking in the hallway the I'm
Janitor was there."

"He looked up and looked at me up and down and smirked."

"I smiled back because I didn't know what to do." Sofia says as her eyes gets watery.

"I walked to the bathroom and felt a presence behind me, I let it be  and went to the bathroom."

"Before I could go in the stall I felt someone yank my hood of the sweater and bring me to the last stall and locked the bathroom door and the stall we were in."

Sofia sniffles.

"Uh I looked up it was the janitor."

"Cus it was so serious I didn't cry because I was terrified, he did whatever he wanted to me for the next 10 minutes."

"He ended it with you feel so good."

"I was bawling. I don't remember exactly what happened but I know I got detention for being in the bathroom for too long."

"You know looking back on it I should've done something about it."

"So it happened 12 more times about it."

"I remember the last time he did it he threatened to kill me if someone found out."

"So when I got home that day I went to
My dad and said dad I've been getting raped the past month."

"He was shocked he didn't believe me then he saw the pain in my eyes and called the police."

"The one thing that tramstuized me for the rest of
My life is before the police caught him he ran to my house stabbed me in the leg about three times before her got caught."

"Had to go into surgery and all that I have a scar but in general it was terrifying and I hope no one has to go through that."

"Well that's it thank you for watching bye!"

A/N: I started tearing up.


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