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"But I don't understand why it didn't work, the alihotsy should cancel out the billywig wings, aye?" Elodie huffed, scratching down some hurried notes.

"That's what I was thinking, I guess we could try hemlock to – oh Merlin, not now," Remus groaned as his friends came barreling through the Hogwarts library. Elodie looked up to see the three teenage boys out of breath in front of the desk she was seated at.

"Hey, uh, Moony? There's a... thing... down at the lake. We've gotta go," James Potter explained, bouncing up and down on his heels.

"Can't it fucking wait?" Remus grumbled, "I'm kind of in the middle of something here."

"No, Moony, come on! It's urgent," Peter exclaimed, earning him a rather annoyed 'shush' from Madam Pince. Remus looked at Elodie who just smiled.

"It's alright, we've done more than enough already. We can finish some other time."

"You're a fucking angel, I swear. I'll find you to finish?" Remus was pushing his books into his bag as she nodded.

"And I'll figure out our substitute in the meantime," Elodie waved him off as she chewed on a sugar quill.

Remus gave her one last grateful wave as he followed his friends off into the hallways. Elodie heard him mutter "This had better be a bloody emergency or I swear to god I'll murder you all," making her laugh to herself. She liked Remus, he was kind to her in the classes they shared, and forever patient when they studied together. She often wondered why they had rarely spoken before their fifth year.

"Relax, Moony, it's not like you were on a date-"

"Or were you?" Peter interrupted Sirius as they ran down the hallway.

"If you were, she looks kind of boring."

"It wasn't a date! But I promised I'd work with Elodie on our essays and it's pretty fucking rude to run off during a study session, is it not?" He snapped, his welsh accent becoming more evident in his frustration.

"Sorry, mate, but this is more important," James shrugged, pulling a sharp right around a corner. Remus was inclined to believe him - when did James Potter ever declare something more important than romance?

The next time Remus saw Elodie was when she entered the Great Hall with her friend Claudia, who Remus had spoken with only once before. He ignored that fact and pushed himself away from the breakfast table to apologise for his absence the day before.

"Elodie, hey. Sorry about yesterday, my friends are a load of gits, but are you free this morning to work?"

"Of course! An emergency is an emergency, I get it. And how about near the lake? I'd hate to waste a day like this inside," She grinned, flashing a brilliant smile. Remus nodded, relieved, and left the girls to their meal.

"How the fuck is she so... awake at this ungodly hour?" Sirius asked, looking much less happy to be alive hunched over his coffee. His newest girlfriend, a bland but sweet fifth-year named Katy, fussed over him and gave him a very public 'wake up' kiss. The rest of them politely pretended not to notice.

"Sirius, it's eight-thirty in the morning," Lily shook her head as she reached for a slice of toast. Sirius shot her a dirty look before Remus intervened.

"Elodie?" Remus asked, "She's always like that. Never seen her unhappy."

"It's pissing me off."

"You don't even talk to her, Pads," Peter countered, munching on a piece of toast. Sirius merely rolled his eyes and took another gulp of coffee. Katy got his attention back on her with some quiet whispering, earning a look between Dorcas and Mary.

"D'you like her?" James asked.

"I sit with her in transfiguration! I can put in a good word for you," Marlene leant over James eagerly.

"Thanks," Remus said slowly, "But I don't like Elodie like that. She's lovely, but we're just friends."

"The offer is always open," Marlene winked and Remus laughed, nodding.

Down at the Black Lake, Elodie and Remus lay on their stomachs on the grass, working on their essays in peaceful silence. Well, mostly silence. The Marauders, unable to be separated from Remus, sat a few feet away being generally distracting and obnoxious.

"Do you think if I discuss the reaction of the griffin claw in comparison to the rue, Slughorn'll give me a better mark?" Elodie asked, twirling her quill around her fingers.

"Worth a shot. I might have to steal that idea though," Remus replied, jotting down the note.

"Go ahead, everyone else in the class probably knows about it already so it couldn't hurt," She smiled.

"Merlin, they do look like a couple, don't they?" Sirius asked, nudging James to look at their friend, letting his cigarette hang between his slender fingers. It was true, they had finished their essays and were sitting opposite each other, Elodie throwing her head back in laughter, twirling a sugar quill around her fingers.

"I don't think anyone's laughed that hard at any of Moony's jokes in years," James teased his friend.

"She's a bit innocent for him, don't you think?" Peter asked, "I mean, Moony swears more than all of us combined and she doesn't look like she knows any curse words at all." James and Sirius laughed loudly at Peter's comment.

"You know, there's a Hogsmeade trip next week, you should come with us. I mean, if you can stand those twats that long," Remus said, glancing back at the boys, who had moved on to charming paper planes above their heads.

"That sounds wonderful!" Elodie smiled. "I'm sure your friends aren't half as bad as you say." Remus sighed. She was right, he had been a bit harsh on his friends lately.

"True, they're really good blokes. Just embarrassing sometimes."

The five teenagers walked back to the castle together, Elodie unable to contain her laughter at the constant back and forth between the boys. As they continued to the Gryffindor common room Elodie stopped, ready to leave for her own.

"Bye Remus, boys," She waved to each of them as she left, and the boys returned the gesture, albeit more aggressively, yelling out their goodbyes as Elodie retreated down the corridors to her dorm.

"I heard they're awful bullies," Claudia said from her bed after Elodie had recounted her day.

"Who'd you hear that from? Severus in Charms?" Elodie teased, knowing her roommate had a 'slight' crush on the boy.

"Shut up," Claudia threw a pillow at her. "Maybe. There were more a few years ago, don't you remember last year with the Slytherins? I guess they could have changed, though." Elodie rolled onto her side to face her friend.

"They seem to have quite the rivalry with Severus, so I'd assume he's at least a bit biased. They all seem nice enough to me now, although Sirius Black does take a lot of jabs at Remus," Elodie replied, thinking back to a particularly crude joke he had made.

"Well good luck at Hogsmeade," Claudia laughed, "I'm sure it'll be exciting, in every sense of the word. Shit! We're gonna be late for dinner!" The girls rushed to pull their robes over their school shirts, Elodie forgoing her sweater in the race.

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