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"Oh, this is bad."

Elodie woke up slowly, stretching her arms to wake her up. Her eyes fluttered open, making direct eye contact with Sirius, which kept her from falling back asleep.

"Why am I here?" She murmured before her memory of the night before returned. Her Gryffindors were all looking at her, and Elodie briefly wondered why before realising.

"What time is it?" She asked, yanking the blankets off of her.

"Eight-thirty, people will already be up and about," Lily replied, emphasised by a group of Second Years passing through the common rooms on the way to breakfast. They stared at Elodie as they passed, not recognising her, and all she could do was smile weakly at them.

"Great. I can't go back to my common room to get changed or everyone will see me." Elodie crinkled up her face in frustration, cursing her irresponsibility the night before.

"Bloody hell, and it's quidditch day. Shit, Pads, we've got a match this afternoon," James groaned and Sirius bolted up. It was an awfully inconvenient situation for everyone involved. Mary began returning the furniture to their original places, making Elodie swiftly pull her knees up to her chest to avoid being run over by a stray armchair.

The rest of the girls headed up to their dormitory to get changed for breakfast, and the boys quickly followed.

"Um, what do I do?" Elodie asked nervously, afraid to be left alone. The boys stared at each other, seemingly having a silent conversation between the four of them.

"Come up with us?" Peter suggested and Elodie nodded before hesitating.

"Are you sure? What about your other roommate?"

"Frank will be fine with it, we'll be quiet anyway," James replied, shooting her a charming grin. Elodie smiled back pathetically but followed the boys up anyway.

Sirius burst through the door first, the rest of the group following quietly, more mindful of 'Frank', whoever that was. Sirius' slamming of the door had obviously woken him up, and Elodie stood face to face with a very disgruntled brown-haired boy.

"What the fuck did you guys do this time?" The boy said, sounding relatively unsurprised at the fact Elodie was there, but extremely disappointed in his roommates.

"Sorry," Elodie replied, crossing her arms against her middle. "I'm Elodie, I'm in Hufflepuff." The boy nodded, looking awfully grateful he'd put on a pyjama shirt as he climbed out of bed and introduced himself as Frank Longbottom. All five boys began getting dressed for the day, and Elodie had no idea where to look. There were too many people in the room for her to pick an empty wall, so she sat cross-legged on the edge of one of the beds, presumably Sirius' from the leather jacket lying on it, and fiddled with the threads of her sweater.

The boys made small talk together, seemingly forgetting Elodie was there. James walked past her casually, reaching for a shirt and Elodie quickly averted her eyes from his bare chest, trying not to admire his muscles; clearly, his years of quidditch paid off. He caught her eye and winked and Elodie flushed red, mortified. He chuckled and shrugged and pulled the shirt over his head, letting her know it wasn't a big deal. Elodie thought he probably enjoyed the attention.

By the time Elodie had gotten over her embarrassment the boys were all dressed, heading out the door, except for Remus who had been taking a shower and was still in the bathroom.

"Uh, guys," She said, "I really hate to be a bother... but I'm not wearing any trousers." The boys doubled over in laughter at Elodie.

"Oh, Baby. As much as I love the view," Sirius gave her a flirty look up and down her bare legs, "I'll give you some clothes to borrow." He knelt at his chest of drawers and rummaged through the clothes. He offered her a pair of sweatpants and a Gryffindor quidditch sweater which she gratefully took. The group stood awkwardly for a moment before Peter coughed, turning to give Elodie privacy, the others doing the same.

She hurried to change, not wanting to hold them up, and pulled up the sweatpants, tying the drawstring tight in an attempt to keep the trousers on her hips. Elodie pulled last night's sweater over her head, adjusting her bra quickly. She didn't catch the shameful glances taken of her until Remus walked out of the bathroom, unaware of what was happening. Both of them stopped in their tracks, extremely uncomfortable.

"What, you've never seen a girl in her bra before?" Elodie tried to lighten the mood, unaware of the struggle she was causing her friends. They were only sixteen-year-old boys after all.

"Not one like that," He mumbled before he widened his eyes in shock at what he said. "Uh, sorry." Remus quickly turned the other way as Elodie giggled, pulling the red and gold sweater over her head, and combing her fingers through her hair. She couldn't really blame Remus for his reaction, she hadn't expected to have to change so she was just wearing one of her comfy bralettes, a lacy blue that probably didn't hide as much as she wanted it to. However, Remus was a gentleman, and Elodie trusted him to respect her.

"Alright," She mumbled as she folded the legs of the sweatpants until they finally weren't enveloping her, "I'm all good." The boys let out a relieved sigh as they turned back around to face her. Although Elodie definitely wasn't a small person, almost 5'7, she was swallowed by Sirius' clothes. He was, after all, something past 6 feet tall, which put a generous height difference between them.

The walk into the Great Hall was humiliating. Although Elodie wasn't the most popular, people still knew she definitely wasn't a Gryffindor, and she felt like every pair of eyes in the room was on her. Although she knew it was ridiculous, Elodie couldn't stop her cheeks from matching her, well, Sirius', sweater. She silently sat on the bench, trying to stop herself from shaking.

"What was all that about?" Peter asked, putting a piece of toast on his plate.

"It looks like I shagged one of you lot!" Elodie hissed, making her friends erupt in laughter, making even more reason for people to look at them. "And your arm around my waist isn't helping anything, Black." Sirius lifted his arms in mock surrender but just dropped one arm around her shoulder instead, ripping a chunk of toast with his teeth. "Honestly, you behave like a dog, you know that?"

"Alright, I should go. I'll see you guys at the game?" They all nodded. "Good luck James, Black," Elodie put a noticeably frustrated emphasis on 'Black', but they all knew she didn't mean it.

"Will we see you wearing Padfoot's sweater?" James asked through a mouthful of pumpkin juice.

"Of course. Ravenclaw's going down."

"I knew there was a reason I loved you," Sirius teased, planting a messy kiss on her cheek.

"I hate you," She called, walking as confidently as she could between the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw tables. Claudia sped up to join her which made Elodie immediately guilty. She had neglected her friend in favour of the Gryffindors lately.

"We need to talk," Claudia's expression was unreadable, but Elodie didn't think she sounded overly upset, which she took as a good sign.

"Of course. I'm going to the match this afternoon, but kitchens after dinner?"

"Sounds like a plan. Now let's make you look like you didn't just have a one-night stand with James Potter." Claudia laughed when Elodie smacked her.

"As if you wouldn't jump at a chance with Severus," Then it was Claudia's turn to jab Elodie with her elbow. The girls bickered the whole way back to their common room and Elodie was glad their relationship hadn't suffered from their separation.

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