Chapter 3: fight it, take the pain ignite it

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Sorry in advance for spellin mistakes
Chapter 3: fight it take the pain ignite it, tie a noose around your neck loose enough to breathe fine...
(Tøp credit cx)

Recap:I wanted to say sorry, i wanted to hug him and cry on him! but i couldnt

That would show how weak i am,


I angrilly wipe off my tears but more spill over. GOD DAMMIT WHY CANT I DO ANYTHING RIGHT FOR ONCE

I thought to myself.

I need to get out of he- *SMACK*

I fell on my but again.

This time i didnt say sorry, i just sat there on the floor looking at my feet.


A famoliar voice shouted worridly.

"Hey, are you ok why are you crying?"

I looked up to the person to see none other that victor vincent fuentes. HOLY SHIT...////

"I-im fine." I stutter standing up from the floor. As i get up i look into vics eyes. A beautiful brown that looks creamy.
"Uhm why are you crying? A pretty girl like you shouldnt be crying" i knock out of my trance to notice the tears on my face. "O-oh i- its just some family troubles"
"Oh i see. I understand, me and my bro can have some fights but im sure itll be ok whatever it is, family is family no matter what." I nod slowly
"Yea," i whisper "family is family"
He looks heasitant while he stands and asks me " hey- you look alot like my best friend ke-" "kellin, yea i know. Ive been told that alot" i answer back bitterly.
"Im sorry" i say looking down.
"Its just m-" i try to explain but im pushed by a crew member that was hauling an amp.
"Uhm we can take this into my bus? if you want though, you probably dont know who i am, god i sound like a freak. We can finish uhm talking in the bus? I mea-" "yes, vic, id like that" i smile a little cutting off his rambling.
he breathes a sigh or relief. And starts to lead the way. I take the time to notice his appearence. He was wearing his red snapback and his long chestnut hair blew in the wind tickling his shoulders. He was wearing a tank top shirt showing off his biceps and some shorts with his-of course-vans. I smile lightly and notice we were on the bus already.
He looked amazing and i think to what i must look like. I look down to my casual shirt and jeans topped with my yellow security jacket. Damn i need to do my job. 'i mean the show doesnt start for a couple of hours i think im good its only 4:30'.I finish talking to myself to see vic opening the tour bus door.
We step inside to see a cozy- yet messy bus. Im not a big clean freak so it looks like home to me. He leads me to the couches in the mini living room and props his elbows on his knees holding his head with his hands staring at me. " Go oonnn" he nudges.
I giggle for the first in a while and look around. "Where is everyone?" I ask staring at the horse head on the couch next to me. Oh. Uhm i dont know out.... Wait you know who we are?"
I contain a laugh. "Vic, i said your name out there, of course i do. Im a huge fan!" I blurt out.
he chuckles. "Oh i see. Well its nice to know! Now go on. Talk"
I sigh. This wil be a long one. "Well, me and my brother, we were amazingly close. We did everything together. Even though we were a couple of year apart. and we knew everything about the other! I started getting bullied in middle school, but he didnt know and eventually when i was fifteen, he left, he had gotten a record deal with his band and ran off to tour. He would be back, but it seemed to me as he started being distant. We didnt hang out as much and when things got too hard. I called him. And he wouldnt answer or say ill call later, in which he wouldnt. At 18 i got sick of it. I moved in with my friend at a nearby apartment and never saw him again. I never changed my number so i know he didnt try to call. I just know he forgot about me. And. I hate him for that. The thing is that i hate that i want him back..." I let out a huge breath after that and look at vic before i continue. He seemed to have many emotions crossing his eyes as he reached over and grabbed my hand sqeezing it, telling me to go on. "And uhm. well he is kellin quinn."
After i say that i look up to see his eyes wide.
"Oh my fucking shit" was all he said.
I waited for it to pass and he looked down at me.
"Well im positive he still cares about you dont lose hope in that. What you told me doesnt sound like him. Im sure hes changed." I scoffed.
"Oh ok alright i still want nothing to do with him." I get up checking the time.
6:30, my eyes bulge out of my head.
"Oh my god i have to go! Im sorry vic thanks for the talk!" "WAIT-WHATS YOUR NAME" He yells out. "SCAR" I say rushing out of the bus. I get inside the venue and run to the front of the barricade crowd right as the show starts and sleeping with sirens pop up. The fans start going ballistic. Immediately there was crowd surfers on their song congratulations.
I start helping all the crowd surfers down and to the end of the crowd.
I look up to see kellins eyes on me while playing the song sorry. What a sad piece of garbage. Does he think i give two shits? I shake my head and keep on the look out for people that faint in the crowd.
2 hours later*
Pierce the veil just started their set and i have sweat hanging all around me. I nod at my co-worker andy that i was taking my break and he nodded.

I walk to the water stand in the backstage and scarf down half of a water bottle when i get a call from a strange number.
Unsettled, i press answer and press the phone to my ear.
"Hello is this scarlet? Scarlett quinn?"
"This is she..." I say confused. I feela pit form in my stomach.
"I am so sorry mam but you mother has been in a terrible accident, she had made it to mercy hospital but was announced DOA( dead on arrival) we called the person in her emergency list. We are so sorry for your loss."(a/n she is actually alive and healty i think i just needed this for the story. STAY WITH ME)
I slowly close my phone and drop to my knees. A sob racks through my body as i think of my mom-dead- the one that understood me. The one that spent all those nights in bed with me when i was little and scared of monsters.dead. Gone. I lean against the wall closest to me and just let my tears fall. Pounding at the wall. "WHY- WHY YOU STUPID WORTHLESS GOD WHY DID YOU TAKE HER. GODDAMIT TAKE HER BACK OR TAKE ME WITH HER." I yelled out. it felt like i was on fire, this couldnt be happening. I felt a hand on my shoulder, "scar? Are you OK whats wrong?!" I sob even harder and with my blurry vision i see vics sweaty body, they mustve finished their set. I try to speak but nothing comes out. "I-i-my mom just, died i just, i cant" i manage to choke out between sobs. His eyes widen. "oh god, im so sorry , does kellin know? We should tell him. Here let me help you up" he stutters out. I cant protest but i just keep sobbing. He pulls me up and carries me bridal style to the sws room. I hug his chest sobbing into his shoulder. I cant believe this is happening.
Its been thirty minute of walkig around this huge venue.
And Soon enough the tears stop and i feel empty inside. I cant feel the will to move now that my moms gone. My anchor. Im just numb. We reach the dressing room. A couple of tears drip past my face accumulating on vics already soaked shirt.
"Bro whats up-whos tha-whyIS. She crying?" Kellin questions rapidly. Vic puts me on a couch and looks at me. I just nod. " Um kellin i dont know how to say this.but your. Uhm your mom passed away this evening. Scar got a call from the hospital just now." Kellins eyes grew as he looked at me." My god-no this cant be happening. NonononoNO" He yells. I just look up at him and he rushes over. "How-how are you taking this-?" He questions. Since I was always the closest to mom. I just shake my head and look down. It feels as if all my tears were drained. He sighs. "You are going to have to tour with us.... I dont trust you by yourself."
I look up at him and get up to try to yell at him when my vision get blurry and i fall to the floor. The last thing i see is kellin and vic catching me.


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