Chapter 4: you were stitching up the seam of every broken promise

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HI GUYS. I AM CURRENTLY IN MEXICO RIGHT NOW...(its amazing) but i decided to update the book cx
For any of you that came from my other book. Ive decided to continue it. Im going to go in and fix spelling mistakes and change some details of the story. Nothing major. Once its revised ill put REVISED on the chapter title (obviously cx) and uhmm yea i got inspiration back i guess. I do like where this story is going though so heres the next update lol ENJOY!-andy

Chapter 4: you were stitching up the seams.

He sighs. "You are going to have to tour with us.... I dont trust you by yourself."
I look up at him and get up to try to yell at him when my vision gets blurry and i fall to the floor. The last thing i see is kellin and vic catching me...
Scar's pov*
'Ugh can someone shut that thing up?!
Wait what the hell is that? '
I open my eyes slowly to see a hospital room. 'What the hell? What am i doing here'
Then i remember, from my mom dying to falling unconsious.
I then notice the head thats resting on my bed. holding my hand, i ckrinkle my nose in disgust. And he wakes up as i snatch my hand from under him. What does he fucking care anyways? He has a torn look on his face as he looks up a me.
"Scar" kellin starts. How uhm how do you feel?
I just shrug. Our mom just died do you want me to do fucking cartwheels and say im ok?!
The hospital door opens and vic comes in accompanied by a doctor.
"Scarlet, i know you must me concered on your health." The doctor states.
I roll my eyes, i really dont care about me right now.
"Well," he continues on " you suffered a panic attack and because you were starving, you lacked the energy to keep you awake. I suggest you eat more frequently. Also you were asleep the whole day yesterday, i thought you would want to know" 'I do eat what the fuck does he know and yes i see the clock... Its 12' i mean. I ate an apple in the morning!
"Alright whatever, when can i leave" i snap. "Scarlet!!" Kellin says harshly.
"Im sorry doctor" kellin says after the doctor says i am free to go.
I grunt once he leaves and vic comes over. "Hey, how are you feeling scar?" He says in a calm worried voice.
I just shrug again.
He stays quiet for a little an as hes about to say something else kelin stands up from his chair. "Heres your clothes lets go" he says quickly throwing me some jeans and a maroon long sleeved shirt. And walks out of the room. I look at my clothes and ask vic to leave so i can change. He complies and walks out "ill be right outside the door" he says.
I hop out of bed and change. God these hospital gown things are so short, a little higher and you can see all my cuts. I look down at them scattered all around my thighs ashamed i quickly put my pants on and look to my arms. Suprised that they didnt take off my bracelets just pushed them down lower for the iv. I sigh in relief as i notice noone saw my wrists. I slip on the shirt and my high top converse and walk out to meet vic.

*skipping boringness of getting to the tour bus in a car*

After about 3 minutes of akwardness we finally get to where the busses are parke-
Wait. Shit im in front of my house. I must have dozed off... I look a vic and he looks at kellin. "Well get your clothes".
"How the fuck do you know where i live!?" I yell. "I looked at your adress at the hospital." He says back in a snappy voice.
"FUCK YOU KELLIN" i scream out. Getting out of the car and slamming it.
He has no fucking right to look through my things. I loved him but i was conflicted. Hes such an asshole. Thinking he can slip back into my life like that. He broke me and he ingored me when i needed him the most. And hes breaking whats left of me now. I wipe an angry tear as i enter my house/apartment.
I hear someone in back of me and turn to see vic There. "im going to help, if you dont mind?" He says. I nod and head up to my room. I grab my clothes and throw it into a suitcase from under my bed. Once thats done i take care of hair straighter and toothbrush. Things like that. And stuff my razor in the bottom of my bag. I walk into my room to see vic looking at my photos on the counter.
"I like this one" he states picking up a frame. I walk over to it and see it was one of kellin and i. I was ten and he wa fourteen. He was pushing me on a swing. A bright smile on my bubbly innocent face. And kellin grinning from ear to ear.
I smile a bit and pick up another frame.
"This ones mine" i state. Vic looks over to see the picture i was holding. I was 13 and he was 17 i was sitting on kellin crying because i had dropped the water and got yelled at. I was curled on his chest as kellin was singing to me. He was in mid song with his mouth open. Rubbing my back.
A tear slipped down my cheeck.
"God, i miss this" i choke out, letting an estrangled sob leave my mouth.
I put the frame down. And look up to see vic with open arms.
I immediatly run at him. My tears fell freely now. As i sobbed on his chest and clutched his shirt.

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