Chapter 10: feeling

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WE HAVE REACHED 1.07k I LOVE YOU GUYS!ok ok continuing

Scar's pov *

When I woke up Vic wasn't there anymore.
With a little pout I slowly slink off the bunk and stretch in the hallway leading to the bathroom. Vic pops out of the bathroom just as soon as I'm about to pass it and I jump a little.
"Woah sorry, didn't mean to scare you, I was about to wake you actually. Gotta clean out your bandages" he smiles as he lifts up the gauze, I nod and we walk over to the lounge to sit on the couch.
"where is everybody?" I wonder out loud as he starts unwrapping my wrist.
"Oh they went out for breakfast, they should be back soon" I nod in understanding and wince as he tries to wipe my arm
"So, have you changed your mind about shunning kellin?" He asks carefully as if trying not to disturb me.
I just shrug."I don't know, he is my only family now. But. I don't know what to think of him after what he said to me"
He simply nods as he finished wrapping my wrist and kisses it lightly making me blush.
"You know. He feels really bad. I think you should talk to him"
I shake my head " I'm not ready yet" I whisper. It seems as if I don't even want to use energy to talk anymore.
What's the point. If I talk they won't listen. No one will. I tried using my voice to reason with kellin and that certainly didn't work. What do I need that for.
I get up and excuse my self to my bunk again. Maybe more sleep will help.
------one week later---------
I sigh as I turn in my bunk again. More sleep didn't help. And I've gotten one full week of it.
I haven't spoken. I don't want to.
I haven't moved unless it's to go to the bathroom. I can tell the boys are worried. At least it looks like it. Vic tried to get me to eat and they al try to get me out of my bunk. I almost did on wed. Until kellin came up to the front door at that same moment and pleaded to come inside. It's Saturday October 15th now. And it's barely getting cold. And as the tour head to its last 4 days of tour I start to wonder what will happen in the end.
Snapping me back to the present is vic slamming the door to the tour bus.
He gets into the bunk section and heads for my bunk with a determined face
I look at him in confusion as he reaches in and grabs me by my waist and shoulders hauling me out of my bunk.
I sqeak and hit his back as he takes me to the bath room and stud me on top of the toilet lid. If I wasent in this position I would behalf to know the lid was down but right now I was angry. His face is emotionless as he turns the water on for the shower to warm and runs out.
Coming back shortly with a towel some undergarments one of his long tee shirts and skinny jeans.
"Shower" he says simply and leaves.
I stare at the door shocked but after about a minute I make the effort to start getting ready for a shower.
Pulling on the shirt over my teal bra I smell Vic  and the ghost of a smile plays at my lips.
I towel dry my hair with my towel take a deep breath and open the door.
I come to find that right outside my door is Mike sitting on the floor.
I give him a questioning glance as he takes my towel and dirty clothes and throws them in my dirty clothes suitcase.
"Cmon" he says smiling a bit. I reluctantly follow him to the kitchen where I sit and watch him make some tacos. I question the food choice only to see it was 2:30 pm
He put salsa on two tacos and hands me the plate along with water. "Eat" he says simply grabbing one of his own tacos in his plate.
I shake my head and slowly grab the taco from the plate.  Slowly. Through spicyness and all. I finish one and a half tacos before signaling I was done. He nods happily and gives me a high five before getting my plate and starting to wash it. Before I could process how weird this all was I feel a tap on my back. Jaime stands there with a huge grin. I smile slightly and he turns around walking towards the lounge.
I take it as a sign to follow him and I do. Spotting a PlayStation video game set up with a Fifa 2k15 game inside.
Before sit down he grabs a brush. Sitting me down and he brushes through the tangled of my hair. When he's done he bounces to his remote and I grab mine.
"OKOK so I'm obviously team Mexico. Choose wisely youngling " I smile a bit and choose Argentina before pressing start match.
Thirty minutes later I have won.  with Jaime cussing and screaming around which has me laughing quietly. I Bow in front of him and hear a knock at the front door of the bus. " go get it, hoe" Jaime says playfully. I smile and leave.
I open the door to find tony.
Checking my phone that Mike had put beside my while I was playing, I noticed it was 3:30pm now and tony helps me down the stairs.
I look around to see we were in a parking lot to the next venue. Me and tony walk aimlessly around the city of Seattle looking at the buildings and scenery in silence. I smile as I breathe in the deep fresh air.
Soon we are led to a little forest perserve with no one around and get to a bench where tony stops.
Tony tells me to wait there and he leaves back the way we came.i checked the phone to see it was now 4:00 pm. When I feel some one sit down on the bench. I turn my head to see Vic and relax.
"So you have had an interesting day right? You smelled good and tasted spicy. You played with a goofball and laughed. You showered. You walked around in silence observing nature" his word related to all that happened today and I wondered where this was leading.
" this is what the world is made of. Of smells and culture. Laughs. Games. Sports. Travels. Nature. WE, are made of all of this and sometimes you need an extra push to know that you deserve it. You aren't alone. People see the world in gray. But there is color. Far more than what we ever thought in this world and there is voice.
Let the birds hear you speak scarlet." I was beyond enchanted. This was the most anyone has ever done for me and I was for once happy.happy that I wasn't alone that the world had a color and it wasn't a boring grey but a splash of everything.
"Thank you" I cried, "thank you " I hugged him and held on to him as hard as I could.

      Take Time to look around. If you ever feel down remember how beautiful our world is. How green the leaves are in the spring or how they look when they fall. How the wind feels on your hair. What you do when your favorite song comes on. What you hear when it's 4in the morning and everyone is asleep but the crickets that keep you company. This world is beautiful. We just aren't looking hard enough.

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TOYOYOYOOYO so this was a little bit of a filler. But what I wrote was true. I know I'm not a good positive writes or whatever but I try.
Word count:1340

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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