sell//atsushi & hirotsu//

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(How did you think of this???)

-fluff and angst?

-au-atsushi learned about alcohol and dirty things as a kid before going to the orphanage and gets adopted but also get selled.


(It bad, I tried)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was born into fucked up family, they didn't care that atsushi was a child at all. At a young age, atsushi learns about alcohol because his mother was a bartender, atsushi was even allowed to taste alcohol but to atsushi, it was disgusting. "Ew! It disgusting." Atsushi said, his mother just laughed at her son, alcoholic can taste disgusting but people usually get used to it, atsushi father just didn't pay attention to atsushi. Atsushi also learned about other things like drugs, smoking and sex, even atsushi was probably around five years old, atsushi already knew about sex, his parents didn't even try to hide it.

Soon atsushi was taking away from his parents and put into an orphanage, atsushi still remembers everything, he learned from his parents, so why most people didn't want to adopt atsushi. People found it creepy and weird that atsushi knew all about that stuff, atsushi was only a kid, and they didn't want to deal with that. One day, someone came in and decided they wanted to adopt atsushi but they didn't want a child, they were going to sell atsushi to someone. "Come on!" The person yelled at atsushi, atsushi just looked down, suddenly atsushi was pushed out.

There was many people, mostly old men looking for some fun, atsushi was disgusted by this. People were throwing out numbers left and right, many people really wanted atsushi, atsushi was beautiful and probably could do a lot of things. Atsushi just stand there as people basically throw out numbers, suddenly some old man throughout a number and it was a lot of money so immediately atsushi was sold to him, but atsushi got lucky because it was hirotsu. "Hello kid.." hirotsu said as he hold atsushi hand, atsushi just say nothing, which wasn't surprising at all. "It disgusting on what they do.." hirotsu said, atsushi looked surprised, hirotsu heard about what was happening so he decided to buy atsushi.

"I don't owe you or anything like that so you don't have to do anything for me but you can stay with me if you want." hirotsu explained, atsushi just nodded, he wanted to stay with hirotsu because he was cool. "Stay with you." Atsushi said, hirotsu just nodded and they went to get something to eat because atsushi was hungry and a growing boy needs food. "I have a ability..that why, I can eat a lot.." Atsushi explained, hirotsu just nodded, he understood that. Atsushi didn't consider hirotsu to be his new father, but hirotsu did take great care of atsushi.

Even though hirotsu is in the port mafia, he is a great person, atsushi learns a lot from him, including how to be a kid because atsushi never has a childhood. Atsushi didn't know any of the port mafia members because hirotsu wanted atsushi to enjoy his childhood like any other kids should. "Thank you!" Atsushi said, hirotsu just smiled, atsushi was a pretty nice kid and soon atsushi grew up and atsushi decided to become a bartender for the port mafia.

Atsushi is happy and that all that really matters.

(I tried making it long, sorry!!)

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