Chapter 1

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"Are you serious, they made a movie about that shitty infection game?" He said. "Angel, why don't you want to watch it? Is it because you believe that what your grandma told you was actually real?" I rolled my eyes and scoffed, telling myself in my head that it was just some stupid story his grandma told him to scare the shit out of him. 

He looked at me with a nervous smile on his face. "Angel, stop believing in that stupid bull, it's just a story and plus, it was 70 years ago when that happened, I wouldn't worry about it now. Again, it's just a story they told us, they probably can't actually remember what happened, because they're old, so it doesn't matter anyways." I muttered while walking beside Angel to their house. "It's fine, we don't have to watch it, it doesn't look that good anyw- HEY!" I yelled out, spilling some of my drink onto the sidewalk. Angel jumped. "Why did you just yell?" He exclaimed, a small voice crack coming out as he did, clearly caught off guard. "Sorry, some guy just bumped into me." I mutter, pushing my hair out of my face, before continuing to walk, brushing off the encounter. The guy seemed a little weird. Maybe he was on drugs or something. 

(221 words)

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