Chapter 3

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I just stood there staring at them, they did the same. If I'm being honest, I was too scared to move at that moment. We stood there for about a minute and 3 seconds. And yes, I counted. They bolted towards me, and as a normal human would do, I freaked out and turned the other way to start running from the threat, but I fell straight on my ass. Pixi, my friend, whom I've known since first grade, ran towards me and helped me up right before the uhhh, person? caught me. Is it even considered a human anymore? Most people wouldn't be able to get back up and start sprinting at somebody with the speed of an inhuman creature. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a human. It's reminding me of the guy who bumped into me the other day.


Before I could even mention the word run, it ran over to me and tried grabbing me, thankfully Pixi grabbed me and pulled me out of the way of the creature. It kept running and rammed itself into the fence. Everyone in the school yard watched in horror. Me and Pixi managed to run off before it started running at us again, and everyone was trying to get into the school. Some kid got attacked by the dude and everyone was watching. Watching the kid get his flesh ripped apart by this guy's teeth as he flailed around on the ground, screaming in terror. The majority of the kids just all tried shoving through each other to get into the school, which I don't blame. I wouldn't wanna get ripped apart by a flesh eating monster either. 

(279 words)

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