Chapter 2

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(The next day, at school) " Morning Valentine" I said tiredly, trying not to rub my eyes so I wouldn't smudge my makeup. "How are you?" I muttered. "I don't know?" He said. "I've got this weird feeling that something bad is gonna happen". 


Later at lunch we were all just hanging out, but suddenly out of the blue, some student who was just biking out for lunch looked like they lost control of their bike and rammed themselves into a pickup truck. And they weren't wearing a helmet. Everybody looked over to where the kid crashed to see if they were okay. "Holy shit, do you think they're okay?" Some kid who was in a younger grade than me, asked in concern. "I don't know, they're not getting up." Some other random kid said. I got up to check if they were okay, but before I could get over there, they stood up, and they had a huge bloody gash in their head. I think I saw his skull. "What the fuck," I muttered. 

(176 words)

A.N. Sorry for the short chapters, I never really planned ot make them super long. 

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