Chapter 4

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I grabbed Pixi's hand and dragged them to my car. I wasn't gonna risk going into the school and letting that.. thing... get inside and injure me and my friend. We get inside the car, and I struggle to put my keys into the car to start it, my hands too shaky, so as I'm struggling, Pixi screams and my head snaps over to them, before seeing the kid who was attacked, banging on the window, begging for help, covered in blood and pieces of his body gone from being bitten off. I could see a chunk of his neck gone, and his ear was completely torn off. I managed to start my car and quickly drive off, looking in the rearview mirror as I see the kid drop onto the pavement.

 I managed to drive to Valentine's house, Pixi shaking in fear, not realizing they had been crying. I hadn't realized either, so when I reached Valentine's driveway, I leaned over towards Pixi and wiped away their tears with my thumb. We sat in the driveway for a moment, before silently getting out and heading over to the door. Pixi still seems too shaken up, so I knock at the door, almost with a slight sense of urgency. Valentine's mom, Anya, answers the door and we greet her as politely as we can. She can obviously tell something is off, but decides not to mention it, letting us in, telling us that Valentine and Angel are up in Valentine's room, and that our other friends are at the grocery store grabbing a few snacks. We nod, quietly thanking her, heading upstairs, before she tells us that she has to go out for work and do some errands, and we nod once more, continuing to slowly step upstairs. Both of my feet felt like they had a 3 tonne rock stuck on top of them. 

(315 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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