Dragged Along

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You hated the beach. Well, being more specific you hated water. Even when Haurhi tried to convince you to go to the Carribean because she wanted someone not insanely stupid to talk to while everyone (The hostclub) was going on vacation and making her come (Yes she has a passport). Of course she had to tell Tamaki about you, (Her only actual female friend) which ended up with you being dragged along, well more like kidnapped from your own home in the middle of the night and taken on a plane ride with 7 people and one Usa-chan.



"Come on (Y/N) please?"

"It'll be fun!"

"I don't want to!"

"You can't just go everywhere looking like that!!"

You sighed. Having male friends meant you got to skip out on the female bonding aka shopping experience your mom always tried to drag you into. Honestly you didn't care if they forgot to pack your luggage. It's their fault for kiddnaping you at 12:00 in the morning. "PLEEEAAAASSSSEEEE?" Tamaki, Karou, and Hikaru all pleaded together.

"What if I don't want to?" You spat back bitterly trying to get some sleep.  It was summer and also 10:00 am. If they expected you to get up they were gonna have one angry (Y/N) on their hands. Tamaki sat on the edge of your bed and gave you a tender smile meanwhile behind him the twins put on their puppy eyes. Damnit. Why did Haurhi's friends always need to be so, so, Hostish? If that's even in your vocabulary (If it isn't, it is now). You ended up looking at them for so long you ended up caving in. "Fine." You whispered hoping they wouldn't hear. Sadly they did, then jumped up and down on your matress, then dragged you out of bed.

"TO THE MALL!" Tamaki yelled brining you and the twins into the long black limo. As soon as everyone got buckled in the limo driver zoomed away from Caneel Bay and towards the Plaza Las Americas. Fancy am I right? The thing was huge, not to mention crowded, but they insisted. All four of you stopped by the mall map which was kinda confusing, but none the less accurate.

"Let's go to American Eagal Outfitters." You say pointing to 1X on level one. Since you guys came through where 1M was it was only a corner away. Before they could protest you already started fast walking towards the shop.

"Okay, but we are making you try on everything." Karou said catching up to you and wrapping an arm around your waist.

"Even undergarmets." Hikaru said with a devilish grin and his arm snaking around your waist as well.

"That's enough from you two! I don't need Haurhi yelling at daddy because I let you shady twins touch my daughters BFF!" Tamaki yelled running up to the twins and tackling them but surprisingly not you. You kept walking though. It's not like you needed to be held back by them. American Eagal was sharply to your right anyways, so you just wandered inside towards the jeans.

"Hi! My name is Cecelia may I help you with anything?" said a voice from behind you. Your instinct was to hide. But sadly you ended up hiding behind your hands. You, obviously embarassed, looked up from your hands and saw a girl in her early twenties, with straight strawberry coloured hair and emerald green eyes. If I forgot to mention before her make-up was on point. Compared to you she looked like a model. But then again you were in your jogging pants from roots,  your oversized Fox sweater, and minnie mouse slippers. Oh and your hair done up in a sloppy bun. Hot.

"Um, yeah actually. I need enough clothes to last me two weeks, and please not something girlie." You asked polietly. She looked at you and smiled.

"Of course right this way." She said confidently leading you over to the jeans and shorts. Sadly a few minutes later the boys walked in and started looking at dresses, perfume, and hippie coloured sandles. "What's your size?" Cecelia asked.

"2 in shorts and jeans." You replied. She nodded mearly picking up 8 pairs of shorts and 2 pairs of jeans. She then made her way to shirts with you following her. "I prefer V-necks and button ups." You say to her. She nods again and picks out 7 different V-necks and 7 different button ups each a different colour.

"You go get changed I already know your foot size." She said bringing you to the change rooms.

"How?" You questioned nervously.

"Because you can see the size on the bottom of your slippers everytime you lift your foot." She whispered to you pointing out the tag currently hanging from your shoe. "Anyways get changed" She said walking towards boots.

---Time skip---

You walked out of the change room to see Tamaki and the twins waiting for you with a couple bags. Some little clone ones and others looked almost full. "That lady helped us out!" Hikaru said with a  smile on his face as he pointed to Cecelia.

"We already bought all the clothes. Including bathing suits" Karou said grinning.

"Gee guys, thanks." You say leaving the clothes you tested out on the counter which Cecelia soon grabbed and put away with a sweet, accomplished smile on her face. You all started walking when the Tamaki stopped you infront of the bathrrom.

"Time to get changed." He said giving you a hair brush and a single bag. You look at each host carefully stopping at Hikaru. He smirks and dips you as if you both were doing the tango.

"Would you like help?" He asked  flirtatiously as you got weird looks from girls like 'Why the heck is he flirting with that thing?' or 'Talk about ugly.' or sometimes just a 'Ew'. You ignored it but obviously because Hikaru a guy you just met that morning was already flirting with you and currently ceintimeters away from your lips. Gosh hope your breath didn't smell like tuna.

"I can get changed myself." You say as Hikaru swung you back up onto your feet.

"See you in a few minutes princess" Tamaki says kissing your hand. You simply looked at him and smiled. You left the three hosts and went into a bathroom stall. You searched through the bag and found make-up, perfume, golden high-heels, and a simple purple dress. You sighed once again. You never could put on make-up but you got into the dress, and put on the heels Cecelia was waiting by the sink with make-up brushes, remover, etc.

"Ready for a makeover?" She asked. You looked at her unsteady as she grabbed the make-up from your hands and quickly sweeped each thing aross your face gracefully. "All done." She said within 5 minutes. You looked in the mirror and saw something you never saw before. A beautiful face. Cecelia sprayed a Vanilla perfume on you and simply left. You stood there for a moment clearly astonished and quickly grabbed your bags brushed your (H/C) hair and ran out and bumped into a 5'9" guy with brown hair and tanned skin.

"Hey watch it!" He said as he turned around. He suddenly stopped as soon as he saw your face. "I'm so sorry! I mean my name is-"

"You watch it!" You cut him off. "You're the idoit right infront of the girls bathroom! What if someone was attacked and tried to make an escape then bumped right into you and broke her neck eh?" You said to him. After the outburst you spotted Tamaki and headed right towards him. Meanwhile the burnette simply turned around and yanked you back by grabbing your wrist. You blackout for a second and when your vision comes back everyone is staring at you and the burnette faced against the floor. "He was harassing me!" You yell at everyone the run outside. Waiting there for you is a limo with three framilier figures. One of the windows rolls down.

"Get in." Hikaru yells opening the door. You run down the few steps and get in the limo. You end up sitting beside Hikaru and get dazed looks by all three of them. 

"What?" You finally say breaking the silence.

"You're just so pretty princess." Tamaki says turning on his host side. Karou immediately sits on the other side of you and wraps his arms around you. Hikaru sends a distastful glance to both of them then breaks the silence once again.

"So, we are heading to the resort to meet up with everyone." Hikaru said not looking you in the eye.

"Okay" You say casually. Looks like their just gonna keep dragging you around everywhere. But you don't mind if Hikaru does. You haven't known him for long but you believe he's interesting and worth checking out. After all he was the one that carried you out of your room bridal style when they all kiddnaped you.

AfraidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora