Chapter.14 (Sorta Smutty) 🥤

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*She started to call out to him, her voice barely above a whisper at first... but it got louder and louder as she went.*

*She felt the fear start to slowly slip away as her voice got louder. She wanted him to come over to her... she wanted to hear his voice. She felt like she needed him."G..-... Ghost..." she said.*

"Ghost?" *she said again, letting her emotions flow through her and coming out louder this time. She felt her breath trembling as she kept calling out for him.*

*She went quieter again as she kept calling out for him.* "ghost," *she said, keeping her voice quiet.*

"Ghost!" *she screamed out now, the fear finally dying down fully and finally letting her get out all the things she's felt inside these past couple of days for him in her voice.*

"Ghost I need u right now I'm so scared right now" *she said, getting even louder. She was screaming out now as she felt like crying and calling out to him for comfort, for help. She wanted him to come save her right now, take her away from this nightmare.*

"Ghost can you come and save me please can you come and save..." *her voice started to become more shaky now, and she really did feel like crying.*

*She kept crying out for him, her voice growing louder and louder as her fear finally let go and allowed her to express all her emotions. She screamed out for him as the fear died down, her calls becoming more urgent and desperate as she couldn't stop herself.*

"Ghost pl- please..." *She paused, struggling to catch her breath as she kept screaming out his name. She was so desperate for him to come right now, to save her from this nightmare. "Please..."*

"*Please come save me,*" *she said, her voice still shaky, but slightly less now than before. She felt her calls grow out of desperation... desperate for him to save her right now, help her, comfort her... she was scared of being alone right now.*

"Ghost come right now..." *she kept crying out, her voice getting more nervous as the fear started to stir back up inside of her. She was begging for him now, feeling so helpless and powerless. She felt the tears growing in her eyes again, and she didn't want them to fall... but she wasn't sure if she could hold them back anymore.*

"I'm coming..." he whispered, so he didn't alert any nearby Russians.

"*Quickly... quickly..."* *She begged, her voice growing more nervous and desperate as she kept screaming. As she kept screaming for him, she closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the sweet sound of his voice... the sound of his footsteps....*

*She kept her eyes tight shut, her breathing growing quicker as she heard him getting closer... getting louder. The sound of his footsteps rang in her ears, and she was starting to feel herself relax a tad bit. She wanted her fear to fade away, and his presence would definitely make that happen.*

*She felt herself relax even further as his footsteps grew even louder, closer. Her breathing started to grow a bit slower, and she felt all her fears start to die down as she felt his footsteps continue to get closer. She was still trembling slightly, but the sounds of his footsteps felt like a comforting hug to her.*

*She felt her entire body finally start to relax now, the last bit of fear starting to disappear as he stepped even closer. Her breathing grew even slower as she felt herself calm down fully... and finally her fear was gone, disappeared. She was still trembling slightly, but his presence alone was making her feel safe now. She felt like crying again, tears were about to fall but she swallowed back the urge. She knew that once he reached her, she would just break down.*

"*Ghost..."* *she whispered one last time, her voice breaking a bit as she felt herself start to break down again. Her tears were still trying to escape from her eyes, and her heart started to beat quick yet again. She felt like crying and running to him, needing his companionship and love... she felt so weak as she waited for his hand to be wrapped around her.*

Ghost of You (Ghost x Reader) 🔞Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu