-7- Mister Too Nice

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"And where the heck have you two been" he shut the door after we entered.

"I- I..."

"You what? I had been looking all around for you two" Nate said

"Really?" I asked, a little pleased

"Well, because of Gifty, not you" he said and picked up his daughter.

"Go make me food, I'm hungry, Go!" He ordered

With Mark, I acted like the boss, but with Nate, I was a slave.
I quickly made him breakfast and served him as he watched television.

"Come here Gifty, let's go and eat"

I picked her up and we headed for the kitchen, where we ate. For some reason, I was sad and begun to fight my tears.

"Hey Christine! Bring me water" Nate yelled

"Christine!" He came again

"Oh I hate this man" I murmured.

I got a glass of water and headed for the living room. He was coughing badly as though he was ill - I prayed he was.

"Here, your water"

He took the glass and gulp up everything, without even the mention of thank you.

"You couldn't even say thank you" I murmured as I exited the room.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Nothing" I yelled back, without turning.

He resumed to hitting the cutleries against each other.
Gifty had dipped her hand into the porridge and seemed to enjoy it running down her arm. She smiled when she noticed me watching but didn't stop at that, she was determined to lick it off her whole arm.

"Let's go and bathe" I said.


I had gotten a job as a janitor thanks to Mrs. Anas. I had started a few days ago, and had told Nate during one of his days of being drunk. I guess he didn't hear me but, do I care?
I left home at 9:30, since I told Mrs. Kinkpa that I had to do some house chores every morning before work. Mrs. Kinkpa was understanding, and stunning. She was aged but she was still in the groove. She lived alone in a mansion across the street, and was the envy of her mates and even some young people. According to her, her husband died when he turned 70 and now, she had no intention of replacing him. She made me feel I could tell her everything, even if I had a pimple on my buttocks. She was like a grandmother to me - a friend. She loved Gifty as her own, and would sometimes plead with me to let Gifty stay with her.

"But Nate wouldn't agree"

"Give me his phone number, I'll talk to him" she would say desperately.

"I don't think that's a good idea please"
She would put on a long face then. When I asked of her grandchildren, she explained that they were older now and wouldn't fit under her armpit as Gifty would.
Mrs. Kinkpa had heard the story of my life and had shown so much concern.

"Dear, go back to your parents" she pleaded.

"No Ma'am, I can't. I'm a disgrace" I cried

"No no no, you're not a disgrace. You just made mistakes and that makes you human, like all of us"

"No, I can't go back home, not now." I squeezed the mop stick in worry.

"So you're going to stay with this bastard, until when?" She asked.

"Until a miracle happens. One day, I know a miracle will walk through the door"

The front door opens...

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