-8- Things I can do for love

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7:00am, the next day, I was on the move, searching for another job. No, I wasn't quitting my current job, but I was looking for a new one to add up.
We needed fast money, and fast money required having more than one job.
I kept on moving through shops, houses, praying to the God I still believed in -well He was all I got. The angel of the Lord decided to shine his glorious face upon me and that was when I bumped into Mr. Steve.

"Oh I'm so sorry Sir," I hurriedly picked up the books which had scattered,

"Here you go Sir, I'm sorry"

He said nothing and just took the books with a smile.

"So sorry" I smiled back.

Finally deciding to speak with the calmest tone a man his age could have,

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked.

"Well, actually," I squeezed my hand, " I'm looking for a job"

"A job you say" his eyes widened.

"Yes Please"

"Well...if you'd come with me, you'd be lucky" he added.

"It'll be a pleasure Sir," I hurriedly followed him.

It was a 30 minutes walk from where we stood. We entered a school named "Bright Kids International School"
The school was enormous, with lots and lots of stairs. If I were a child, I'd probably stay in class until school closed; the stairs were plenty.
The place was quiet as though class hadn't begun.

"Umm..Sir, are there no students here?"

He laughed, probably because he knew why I asked.

"There are. In fact, there are millions"

"So how is the place so quiet" I murmured. And he laughed once more.

"Here, come with me"
He led me into a big room where I saw men and women in the same coloured dress; more of a uniform. They were either chitchatting or having breakfast.
As soon as we entered, we received a standing ovation which made me quiver.

"Good day Sir" they said in unison.

Was this the military or what?

"Good day" he responded, and walked here and there, taking one step at a time like an inspector.


"Sir!" A fine looking young man walked forward with his arms folded behind him.


"Sir" A slim young lady with a funny face walked forward. You could see her mouth was filled with food and for some reason, she dared not chew.

"This is...umm.." he looked at me, "what's your name again?"

"Oh, Christine"

"Christine, this is Christine. She is now one of you. And I want you all, every single soul to treat her well, understood?" He pouted.

"Yes Sir," they said in unison again.


He walked me out of the room and I could hear the others whisper things about me.

"So, when will you start?" He smiled.

"Tomorrow Sir" I answered, trying to ask as disciplined as the others.

He laughed again.

"Okay fine, tomorrow by 5:30am, you should be here." He pointed out.

"Okay Sir" I said in a serious tone.

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